Chapter 14 - Visits

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Now that he's suspended for a month, Hayaru can do nothing but to do his hobby that he did during his one year hiatus: grinding in games. While he does have a more physical hobby, he mostly prefer playing HGO to pass time when he doesn't feel like shadowboxing.

Regarding to his suspension, he indeed just left the Academy without any fighting back with the Discipline Committee. He believed that it's not worth fighting anyway after Chiari basically ruined his already bad day like in the past. However, he won't be seeing girls of his age from the Academy, especially his hated ones, for a month, so it's a good kind of punishment for him.

While he's doing his grind at the living room, he heard the door bell, prompting him to put down his phone and head to the front door.

'Who the hell's coming here?' He thought. He then opened the door, revealing Momoi in his school uniform waiting for him.

"Aru-kun! Are you alright?!" He immediately asked his wellbeing, which Hayaru sighs.

"More or less. Being suspended for a month isn't all that bad. I don't have to deal with the bitches for it." He replied. "But what about you though?" He then asked, considering what happened yesterday.

"I managed. Even went on to continue on attending the rest of my classes. What they did to me were nothing too serious." Momoi explained.

"Good for you, man." Hayaru pats Momoi's shoulder. However, he then noticed the familiar blonde streak of hair behind him, as Mahiru then peeked out from hiding behind Momoi with a smile. "YOU!" He quickly reeled back and went defensive. "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET HERE?!"

Mahiru then giggled at his surprise. "I met Momoi-kun on his way to your home, and I was worried about you after the event that you've just transpired." She then explained, which Hayaru's best friend laughs sheepishly for letting her following him.

"Sorry, Aru-kun. She doesn't mean anything bad for you though." Momoi then said.

"No! She's planning some bullshit to use my suspension to get whatever she wants from me. I ain't trusting that bitch, not one bit!" Hayaru leered at the blonde.

"Don't be like that, Hayaru-kun. If anything, I would ask my mother to revoke your suspension." Mahiru then said, surprising Momoi.

"Wait, are you going to use your mom's position just for that?" He then asked, which Mahiru nods.

"While what Hayaru-kun did were extreme, it was more so because he was provoked to do so. In the eyes of the school rules, it was justified. But in my eyes, a month is a bit too harsh." She then explained, referring herself being the head of student council for her perspective. "Hayaru-kun made it clear that he's not someone who should be provoked like how Chiari-san did, which is why I'm willing to do everything in my capabilities to help him have a proper and memorable high school days here at Vesta Academy."

Mahiru's explanation made Hayaru perplexed. Of all the times he's with girls, he always hated them for being greedy, selfish, and insufferable while using him. The three girls from his middle school days are prime example of such, and became his basis of his mysogyny.

But with Mahiru, she's different. Even if it's because he saved her in the past, she went her way to help him, as much as he hate to admit it. He didn't even ask for anything, and even though continuously drive her away from him, she's persistent when it comes to helping you.

Somehow... Hayaru's inner conscience felt that he can slowly open his heart to her. Because maybe, just maybe, Mahiru isn't as bad as he thought she is.

"... Why the hell do you go this far for me?" Hayaru finally asked Mahiru, staring straight in the eyes. "I only saved you once, and you ended up doing all of this shit for me. So why?"

Mahiru simply gave him a sincere smile to Hayaru, one that only radiates kindness.

"Because you're my friend, Hayaru-kun."

For Mahiru, Hayaru is more than just her savior. He's someone that needed help instead, because she knows that he's alone despite his tough and independent appearance. In the Academy, he doesn't have any friends other than Momoi, thus she went on her way to change that. Even if it'll take a long time for her to make him accept her, she'll keep helping him even if he drives her away again and again.

Because deep down, she has a selfish wish from him, and that is to simply become friends together.

Back to Hayaru, even with him starting to open up to her, he scoffed of the idea that Mahiru sees him as her friend, which he didn't even acknowledged it even once.

"Bullshit. You're going to use me for whatever greedy and selfish plans you're concocting, bitch." He said, now returning himself back to being defensive towards her. "Friend my ass, I know your type, trying to lull me to be friends so you can use me for all of your selfish needs. Tough luck, because I'm not going to fall for it!"

"Aru-kun..." Momoi calmed his friend down, trying to not make a scene between the two. Mahiru then sighs and tilts her head in a playful manner.

"Very well then, Hayaru-kun." Mahiru said, "I'll just keep coming to you for whatever trouble you have. You're my friend, Hayaru-kun, and I will keep it that way even if you don't see it as such." She then said teasingly, even though she does mean it well. With that, Hayaru let the two enter his house, even Mahiru, which they do so politely. Now that he have guests inside, he went to the kitchen to brew some tea for the two.

"So this his Hayaru-kun's home. I didn't expect that it's this big." Mahiru gave her opinion to Momoi.

"That's my reaction too. I'm still surprised that he lives here alone." Momoi then replied, sparking curiosity for Mahiru.

"He lives alone? Then where are his parents?" She then asked.

"Well... Aru-kun's mom basically bailed on him for her gambling addiction. She even sold him off just to fuel her addiction." He then explained, making Mahiru gasp. She knew that her mother brought Hayaru to Vesta Academy, but then she realized that her mother essentially bought him off Hayaru's mom to do so.

If anything, she felt relieved that it's her mother that bought him, even though it's completely wrong to do so. She couldn't imagine if someone more sinister would do it instead of her mother.

"As for his dad... well..." Momoi then stopped, remembering his talk with Hayaru yesterday. Remembering this, he tries to avoid the truth about the situation. "He's busy overseas, so he won't coming back for Hayaru for a while." He lied in doing so.

"That's horrible..." Mahiru said at the news. "It must be hard for him to live like this." She then gives sympathy on Hayaru.

"Well, during my visit here, he's actually quite capable for himself. I'm more surprised that he actually can cook when I see his fridge for the first time." Momoi explained while recalling that Hayaru's fridge is filled with all of the necessary ingredients for pretty much any simple food that anyone can make, as well as some specific recipes for some slightly more complicated foods.

"I guess that I'll take your word for it." Mahiru said. Not long after, Hayaru then returned with two cups of tea for the guests, before sitting next to Momoi.

"Anyway, what're you guys doing here other than to just take pity on me?" He then asked the two.

"Well, you'll be missing classes, so I thought I can bring the materials for us to study together until your suspension ends." Momoi then said.

"Oh, that's a wonderful idea! We can review all the lessons that we learned today while also teaching them to Hayaru-kun." Mahiru then said with excitement, making Hayaru clicks his tongue.

"Don't push your luck, bitch." He said, while Mahiru smiles innocently. However, their talk is interrupted by another door bell, making everyone turn to the door, which Hayaru then sighs. "I'll get it." He said, before going to the door to open it. When he did, he froze, making the two guests looked at who's outside before having their eyes went wide of who they're seeing.

It's his two most hated girls: Pairu and Yuniko...

(Sorry for the break of the "weekly" updates. Got sick last week so lost most of my writing drive.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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