Prologue Part 2 - Sudden Change of School

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A few days after the thug incident, Asakura Hayaru is doing his daily morning routine of jogging around the neighborhood while shadowboxing. At the neighborhood, he's well known because of his women hating personality, to the point where almost all of the women there stayed away from him to not incite any trouble. However, even so, he's not the type who just blindly rage towards women. All it takes is just a direct eye contact for him to get angry. And even more so, he wouldn't even try to hurt them. He'll just lash out at them, or pushing them away roughly, but not outright punching them.

After his jogging, he stopped by the playground and does some more shadowboxing, doing uppercuts and jabs before doing side steps. After that, he takes a short break before jogging back home. Once he arrived there, he goes for the mailbox and found some mails for him.

"Mail? Is this from the police?" He said to himself before going inside with the mail. He assumed that the police somehow knows his action from the thug incident, but what he sees however is something else. There are two envelopes, and the first one he sees is a normal looking one, which he rips it open and reads the letter inside.

"Dear Hayaru-kun.
I'm sorry to say this, but I sold you off to someone who will watch over you instead of me! I'm really sorry, but I'm this close to get my long awaited jackpot!
Again, I'm sorry, but she's really rich and I can't even help myself!
Good luck in your new high school though, and have fun!

Love, your mom."

Hayaru stared at the letter, as rage starts to rise deep inside of him, before ripping the letter away and punches the table hard.

"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?! THAT FUCKING BITCH SOLD ME OFF FOR HER FUCKING GAMBLING BULLSHIT!" He yelled as he punches the table over and over, to the point where it starts to split itself in half.


With the last punch to the table, it splits said table in half, scattering the splinters across the table. Hayaru is mad of her mother selling him off to a random woman. Then again, he hates her because of her gambling addiction that leads her to ignore him most of the time.

After calming himself down, he grabbed the second envelope, with this one being a bit more fancy looking. He rips the envelope open before starting to read the letter inside.

"Greetings, Asakura Hayaru.
I will not delay this, so I will say it here and now.

You are formally invited to become a student of Vesta Academy.

Along with this letter is an address for the location of our school, as well as a form that you will fill. You have to send back the form before the start of the next academic year, which is early September.

I hope to see you soon~

Kiwakaru Kitani, Chairwoman of Vesta Academy."

Hayaru read the bold text on the letter again, as rage once again boiling inside him. However, unlike last time, he's both angry and confused. He's suppose to attend the men only high school, but he instead got changed to an unknown academy. He then see more items inside, presumably the address and the form. He reads the address, which is somewhere away from the city, and the form lists all of the important things that he need to fill, such as name, phone number, and such. Hayaru is conflicted of whether or not he should fill it, but then he remembered his mother's last words...

"... Fuck you, bitch." He grabs the form and headed towards his room to fill the form. Despite his deep hatred towards his mother, he had no choice but to join the academy, because he believe that this Chairwoman had also cancelled his admittance to the men only school. After doing so, he puts the form into a new envelope before going to the mail post for it to deliver. He sighs knowing that he screwed himself, but for now, he can only wait for whatever fate this Chairwoman will bring to him.

"I fucking swear, if that Vesta Academy is a den of only bitches, I'm gonna lose it..." He said to himself before going back to his home. Little did he know however... his assumption will be correct.

~~ >> ~~

A week later, near the end of August, a package is delivered to him, which he knows after coming back from his jogging. He moves it into his house and then opens it, revealing multiple interesting items.

The first being an acceptance letter from the Chairwoman, who detailed the brief introduction of the Academy, which Hayaru puts it aside as he sees something more interesting. Next up being three sets of male formal uniforms, a gym uniform, and a pin of the academy's logo. He picks one of them and overlays it onto him, which he feels like it's a perfect fit.

"Huh... neat." He said, before putting the uniform down. Next up being the essential tools and items, like textbooks, pens, and such. And finally, a QR code that leads to the installation of the academy's app, the StudentGate.

"All this for a student... guess that bitch really do want me there." He said. He then grabs the letter that he dismissed earlier, and properly reads it. However...

"Vesta Academy is an all-girls school that focuses on student talents..."



And that... is the true beginning of Hayaru's hellish high school days.

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