Interlude - Settled Ideas

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As Pairu and Yuniko are on their way to their homes by Mahiru's limousine, they use this trip to talk about the events that were transpired earlier.

"At least Hayaru-kun knows now." Pairu said, while Yuniko quietly nods. Despite this awkward atmosphere, Pairu decided to ask her something unconventional.

"Say, Yuniko-san... if you were given a chance, would you date Hayaru-kun?" This question made Yuniko snapped out of her defeated trance, being visibly surprised.

"D-dating... Hayaru-kun?" She repeated, which Pairu nods. "That sounds... kind of troublesome, for both of us."

"Why's that?" Pairu asked again, curious of what her friend meant.

"One, it's Hayaru-kun's willingness, and I don't think that he would accept me for a long time." Yuniko then sigh as she's going to say the second reason. "The other are my parents. I used to be a spoiled child, and my parents are aware of it. They might get a wrong idea when I introduced him to my parents proper."

Hearing Yuniko's defeated tone of her reasons made Pairu feel guilty about it.

"Sorry about that, Yuniko-san." She apologized over the question.

"Ah, there's nothing wrong about asking me that." Yuniko assured. "It's just... I'm worried of how it goes for me. It's nothing more than a fleeting wish... Then how about you, Pairu-san?" Yuniko then asked the same question in return.

"Me? Well..." Pairu looked away in embarrassment. "I guess I would. To be honest, if I didn't made him cut our relationship off, we would already be a couple by now." She then chuckled, before looking down in somber. "But well, like you said, it's just a pipe dream now."

The two went silent yet again, feeling awkward after telling their thoughts of dating Hayaru. Despite that, Pairu slowly cracks a laugh, which Yuniko then followed suit, laughing together over their similarity to each other.

"But I guess we can only wait until Hayaru-kun comes back to school." Pairu then said.

"Correct. Until then, we should wait for not only his return, but also his settled heart." Yuniko added, making Pairu nod in encouragement.

"Until he's ready to talk to us again, we'll wait." Pairu ended, with the two now feeling content of sorting out their feelings for the boy who they once had feelings for...

~~ >/< ~~

While Hayaru is busy washing the dishes, Mahiru and Momoi are talking amongst themselves that requires Hayaru to be away for a while.

"You're planning on staying with him?!" Momoi half-yelled at Mahiru's idea, disapproving it in fact. "He hates you! He could kick you out to the streets!"

"I understand your concern, Momoi-kun. But I doubt that he'd do that." Mahiru assured the pinkette.

"But still, why?" Momoi then asked again. "Not to mention the taboo of two teens with opposite gender on the same age living together in a house, too."

"I'm aware of that as well." Mahiru said factually. "Think of it like a therapy for Hayaru-kun. As long that I'm not doing anything that would greatly offend him, there's nothing to worry about."

"But I'm more worried about you though." Momoi sweatdropped. "He hates you because you're essentially the entire reason why he's dealing with his past right now. I know why you did it, and there's nothing wrong with that, but if it involves Hayaru-kun..."

"I can hear you guys fine, y'know." Momoi yelped over Hayaru approaching the two from the kitchen, who were just finished doing the dishes. He then glares at Mahiru over her idea. "And don't even think about staying here, bitch. Momotaro's fine, but not you." When he mentioned Momoi, the latter quickly felt embarrassed over Hayaru's allowance of him staying with his friend.

"I understand why, but it is something that I insist of you." Mahiru then reiterates her plan. "If you allow it, then I'll also help you on your house chores and homework. Of course, I will respect your boundaries, and I won't judge you on your personal activities."

The way that Mahiru explained her terms sounded a bit too convincing for Momoi. But Hayaru? He's not convinced by it, as expected. If anything, it would make him want to kick Mahiru out the moment she'd touch even his shirt. Seeing this, Momoi groans as he decided to do something about it.

"In that case, then I'll be staying with you too!" He declared, now surprising Hayaru. "I'll make sure that Mahiru-senpai won't do anything rash on you. You can count on me!"

Now that two of his guests expressed their interest of staying at his home, Hayaru look back and forth between the two, visibly conflicted of what he's deciding on, until...

"Argh, fine!" He yelled, before glaring at Mahiru dead in the eyes. "Since you bitch won't even move a damn inch like a literal bitch, you can stay the fuck if I care." Hayaru then sigh, and turns towards Momoi this time, "And you... please don't let this bitch do anything weird..."

Momoi went pause for a moment, before nodding and then saluting at him.

"Yes, sir!" He said. Mahiru meanwhile smiled at him, feeling content of her idea accepted by him.

"In that case, allow me to sleep on the couch. I don't want to trouble you when it comes to-"

"Oh no you fucking don't!" Hayaru quickly stopped Mahiru's plan and ended up pulling her with him upstairs. Once upstairs, he lead her to a room and opens it, revealing a much more lavish bedroom compared to his. However, it's haven't been used for a while now. "Here! Just sleep here or whatever. That should be my shit to sleep on the couch." He then said while releasing her. 

"But I wish to-"

"No wish or any of that bullshit! Just sleep here!" He yelled before finally going out of the room grumbling, leaving Mahiru alone. From a quick glance, Mahiru quickly knew that this is Hayaru parents' room, and looked around until she found a framed picture of a younger Hayaru and his two parents smiling together, dated ten years ago. She continued to look at the picture, thinking of how much that was changed for Hayaru from that picture.

'His mother, I already understand. However, his father...' Mahiru thought, before putting down the frame. She then took Hayaru's offer and lays onto the king-sized bed, and sleeps.

'I can only pray that he's alright.'

Meanwhile, while Momoi went on to sleep at the guest room, Hayaru lays onto the couch and pulls up a blanket that he brought from his room. He wasted some time before sleeping by watching some anime, before he unconsciously drifted to sleep. Before that however, he thought of one thing that is certain...

'I fucking hate my life...'

~~ >/< ~~

Kiwakaru Kitani, Mahiru's mother and the chairwoman of Vesta Academy, is currently reviewing a report on Hayaru's recent behaviors. Other than the fight and his personality towards his fellow students, he's mostly reserved and cautious, while also academically adequate, just as she expected. She hoped that even with his circumstances, Hayaru will have a smooth and eventful school life here at her Academy.

In addition, her daughter is now becoming more serious on helping her savior. When Kitani was asked by her daughter about living with Hayaru, she was worried of how Hayaru would treat her, and were once against the idea. However, thanks to her daughter's persuasion and determination, she relented, on a condition where Lauran will be watching over her.

'Hayaru-kun.' She thought, as she closes the folder of the review. 'Whatever my daughter is trying to do for you, I hope that you at least tolerate her. Because deep down, even I know that she likes you as a friend.'

(Sorry for the long wait!
The next chapter will start a second part of this story, now that the intro is over!

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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