Chapter 1 - First Day, Lost Tracks

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It's now early September, the beginning of fall, and the start of the new academic year for Vesta Academy, the all-girls school that focuses on student talents. This year not only brought many new regular students, but also a special new student who is now standing in front of the gate.

That student in question is a pink haired teenage boy with a samurai-esque ponytail, blue eyes, and a slender yet masculine physique. The in question looks at the school building beyond the gate, with eyes gleaming in excitement.

"This is Vesta Academy..." He mumbled, before smiling and reaffirms his backpack. "Right! Today's the day for Miyamoto Momoi to take center stage in this-"

"What the fuck are you looking at?!"

But the boy's declaration gets interrupted by an angry yet rude voice, as a certain black-haired yellow eyed boy is glaring at two girls who were unfortunately looked at him in the eyes. The girls then quickly turn around and run away, while the boy then looks around the gathering girls who are curious of what just happened.

"You bitches wanna get punched over here? Scram!" He threatened before powerwalks away from the crowd, towards the academy building. For Momoi, who is also a part of the the crowd, can only look in shock upon seeing him.

'No way... Aru-kun?!'

Back to Hayaru, he's walking through the hallways of the main building, ignoring all the stares and gossips as he's dead set on his goal: To find the Chairwoman's Office. Despite his tenacity, he doesn't want to admit it, but he's essentially lost in the building, as he just continue walking without any proper directions whatsoever.

"Damn it, where the fuck is that bitch's office?" He growled. Hayaru continues to walk until he stomps the floor out of frustration, now losing his patience. "Seriously, why the fuck can't I find this shit?!"

"Um... excuse me..." He heard a voice from behind. But, because of its feminine tone, he didn't turn around and went on walking once again. "Wait! I can lead you to the Chairwoman's Office!"

However, even with the offer, Hayaru persisted on his own way of finding the Office. Seeing how stubborn he is, the girl quickly run towards him and pulls his hand, making him turn around.

"Please! I just want to-" She stopped as she sees a threatening glare from Hayaru, looking at her with both disgust and rage. "E-eek!"

"I don't need help from fucking bitches!" He growled, before yanking his hand off her and starts powerwalking again. The girl then recovered from the scare, as she sighs seeing Hayaru leaving her.

"I just want to help you..." She muttered before walking away.

~~ >> ~~

It took Hayaru half an hour of powerwalking until he finally arrived at the coveted Chairwoman's Office. Now that he's here, he wastes no time as he knocks the door roughly before stepping back. Unlike his search for the office, it didn't take long for him to finally be able to enter said office. Upon entering it, he didn't take his time to look around, as he's only facing forward, towards the Chairwoman herself.

She has a dark violet hair with brown eyes, with her body that indicates that she's roughly in her forties. She's wearing a black office suit typical that of a school principal, along with a pin that shows the school's logo.

"Ah, it nice for you to made it here, Hayaru-kun." She greeted with a smile, much to his disgust. "Go ahead and take a seat. You must've been exhausted walking here."

"Cut the bullshit. Now drop me out of this hellhole." Hayaru said. The Chairwoman however is not fazed by his vulgar words.

"I'm afraid that I can't do that, Hayaru-kun. You just started your high school days. Wouldn't it be a shame if you missed it all?" She replied, but the boy doesn't care about missing it.

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