Chapter 2

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"So what did you want to show me?"

"Stand over there, as if we're duelling."

"Do I need my wand?" asked Dani.

"This is a demonstration, Jackson. Just stand there."

"OK...?" Dani stood a few feet from Merula. Nothing happened for a few moments, then Dani was thrown backwards by an invisible force.


"Nonverbal wandless magic," said Merula. "I've been studying all summer. And I'm challenging you to a duel, at dinnertime, same place, no wands or talking. Study up, or you might just lose to me for the first time."

"Nonverbal wandless magic?! How am I supposed to get the hang of that in, like, 12 hours?! On top of Charms and Potions?"

Merula was already on her way back inside. "Most kids do it before they get their first wands, Jackson. And if you can crack five cursed vaults before you come of age, you can absolutely do THIS."
Corey was leaving his History of Magic class when he saw Dani. "Hey Dani! Researching an essay?"

"Actually, I'm going to look for info on wandless and nonverbal magic."

"Ooh, many great duels were wandless, nonverbal, or both! Emeric the Evil vs. Egbert the Egregious, Dumbledore vs. Grindelwald-we went over those last night-and Binns just talked about Toothill vs. Wiblin. I think it's a useful tool if you want to fight dark wizards, and luckily for us, some of the best wandless magic users are just below our feet!"

"In the dungeons?"

"Yep! Just follow me!"

Dani followed Corey as he ran down the dungeons staircase and into the corridors that led to the kitchens. "Hey Pitts!"

"It's been a while, Mr. Hayden, Miss Jackson. Here to help make dinner?"

"Actually, Pitts, I have an idea to make making dinner much faster forever," suggested Corey giddily. "Today in Muggle Studies, Professor Sikander talked about muggle factories. Take these sandwiches as an example, in a muggle factory, a big muggle machine would put the bread onto multiple sandwiches at once."

"Mr. Hayden, we're all wizards here. Why would we need muggle machines?"

"Exactly!" exclaimed Corey. "We, as wizards, ARE the machine! Imagine if we could just look at all the bread and levitate them onto the sandwiches-"

"Since you two are just starting out with wandless and nonverbal magic, let's start with one slice of bread at a time," said Pitts. "Imagine you're casting wingardium leviosa on it. Picture where you wand tip would be, and imagine yourself saying the words."

Dani stared at the piece of bread. She thought about her wand and saying the incantation like Pitts instructed. The slice of bread shifted half an inch.

"Nice, couldn't even get mine to move," Corey complimented. "Actually, I was thinking about our discussion about power and control last night. You know, nobody is born good or bad, and revenge sometimes drives people to do bad things. For example..."
"I see the great Danielle Jackson hasn't admitted defeat yet."

Dani looked back at Merula and grinned. "Of course I haven't."

Merula squared off against Dani. "Go on, then. Hit me."

Dani proceeded to stare at Merula for what seemed like an eternity. Merula didn't feel as much as a tickle.

"Are you done yet?"

"No, I-"

"I'm out of patience."

Dani was almost flung against a wall.

"Haha! I won!"

Dani climbed back up. "Honestly, good game, putting yourself in a position to win like that."

"What else did you expect from the most powerful witch at Hogwarts?"

Dani shrugged. "More than making bread bounce like basketballs and making stones roll."

"What's a basketball?"

"Muggle version of quidditch."

"Whatever. Anyway, that's pretty good for a few hours. In fact, if you just take a moment to forget your wand tip and your Potions homework and just focus on me and nothing but me..."

Merula braced herself as Dani stared intently at her. "Now hex me."

Almost immediately, Merula was flipped off her feet and onto the ground. She scoffed. "Not half bad, Jackson."

"That was depulso. It could absolutely have been better."

"If you used your wand, you'd be in detention tomorrow. Look, if you want to train or talk, I'm free anytime."

Dani smiled. "Thanks, Merula."

"Isn't that what friends do?"

Walking back to her common room, Dani thought about what had just happened. Corey was right, and Merula had literally just taught Dani a crucial survival skill. She didn't have to ruin the moment-after all, she did see Merula in class most days.

"Dani! I saved you a sandwich!" Corey waved her over as she stepped into the portrait hole.

"Thanks," said Dani and she began munching on the sandwich.

"Don't you think Merula's been acting rather nice lately? Like, I obviously haven't been around her as much as you have, but I've seen enough in class in the past six years versus the past two days to think it's a bit... suspicious."

Dani didn't reply until she finished her sandwich. "...You sure catch on quick, Corey."

"Maybe I've read too much 'The Detective Files of Conebush and Persimmons' over the holidays," Corey said sheepishly.

"Oh, geez, if you ever meet my brother, don't get him started on that series. I'm sure we have every book at our house. I guess I never got the hype."

"In that case, I'd love to come to your house some day. Anyway, you were saying you're suspicious of Merula too?"

Dani grimaced at the prospect of having to recount the past six years to someone. "Well, let's start with... Do you know the Circle has cracked five cursed vaults?"

"Wouldn't be here if I didn't."

"Do you know that our former DADA professor killed a student?"

"Of course."

"Do you know how the Circle infiltrated a cabal of dark wizards last year?"

"Yeah, so?"

Dani breathed a sigh of relief. "At the meeting, a dark witch said that they had a mole at Hogwarts."


Dani nodded. "I watched said dark witch take her away."

"Then it's settled," Corey said firmly. "Operation Spy on Merula is underway."

"Deal," replied Dani. "Oh, and to make it official... Welcome to the Circle of Khanna, Corey."

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