Chapter 13

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A few hours later...

"Miss Jackson!" Umbridge exclaimed when Dani appeared in the fireplace. "I was beginning to think we'd never have our talk. Guess that Skeeter's trying to make up for always poking around our business."

"I can tell," replied Dani. "And I've only met her once. At Zenith Xeep's meet-and-greet."

Umbridge frowned. "Oh no, now Hogwarts students like Xeep as well?"

"No, but I had an assignment in Diagon Alley and Rita caught me coming out of the fireplace at the Leaky Cauldron."

"My brainless coworkers have been buzzing about Xeep ALL. WEEK. LONG. As if there was no work to get done." Umbridge replaced her impatient expression with a warm smile. "Here's some tea. I find it makes conversation flow easier... Probably because it's so relaxing, and makes you feel at peace."

"Thank you, it looks delicious. I'll just wait for it to cool down."

"How have your classes been? Studying hard for your NEWTs?"

"Harder than ever, yeah. I sure wish I could get a better DADA professor, though. I'd love to have a subject I feel 100% confident in like I did for my OWLs."

Umbridge sighed. "DADA has really fallen off, hasn't it? The wizarding world is the most peaceful it's ever been and teaching violence to undeveloped minds is only making our society go backward."

"I've fought an acromantula and a dragon to get to the vaults, and I would've died if it hadn't been for Rakepick. And, well, it's her own fault she wasn't able to kill more people, you know, that night."

"Tell me about the cursed vaults, Miss Jackson. What was the treasure in there?"

"It wasn't exactly TREASURE, Alex left a bunch of clues in each vault, and in the last one-"

Dani was cut off by a loud pop as a cloud of green smoke from under the table was blasted in Umbridge's face and she ran out of the room, choking and fuming. "THAT'S IT! THAT HOOLIGAN..."

With Umbridge out of earshot, Dani slid open the drawer in front of her, pulled out a stack of folders, and flipped open the first one.


[something something Mahoutokoro something something Hogwarts something something evidence]

Merula Snyde-victim
Danielle Jackson-victim
Alexander Jackson-had been investigating defendant in months leading up to attack (Alastor Moody is in charge of tracking him down) [useless b*stard is scribbled above Alastor Moody]

[a bunch of other things Dani doesn't really understand nor care about]

Good riddance, thought Dani as she closed Shiratori's file and moved on to the next.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Year 7Where stories live. Discover now