Chapter 8

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"So we know nothing other than the fact that she's heading to the willow more?" Dani stirred her cereal. "Awesome, so R hasn't killed another student, which means I can focus on the poor ministry workers who have been dealing with tropical cyclone windows all week-"

"But that ends today, I hope," said Fliwick, walking up to Corey and Dani. "Get the Magical Maintenance people to try meteolojinx recanto, and find me if that doesn't work either. And here's the wand."

"I'm surprised he even remembered to take care of that," laughed Corey once Flitwick had left.

"Same here," Dani agreed.

Once she'd finished her food, Dani joined her friends as they arrived at the ministry.

"Wands... Credentials... See, that wasn't so hard!" Eric Munch looked down at a piece of parchment. "It says here that Mr. Copper should report to Mr. Weasley at the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Department and Miss Tonks should report to Mr. Moody at the Auror Office for your debriefs. The rest of you should report to Mr. Diggory at the Beast Division to... corral albino bloodhounds?" He looked up to collective groans from the students.

"Aren't they done yet?!" whined Barnaby.

"He must've picked the ones who were least likely to set them loose instead," Tonks said with a smug grin. "Anyway, Dani, do you have the wand?"

"Flitwick said meteolojinx recanto should do. And don't lose it."
OnE eTeRnItY (and the albino bloodhounds scaring away the fwoopers and nifflers and diricawls and all the other creatures that they had to keep in line as well) lAtEr...

Mr. Diggory made a beeline for Dani as soon as the door swung open. "Miss Jackson!" he exclaimed, out of breath. "A high-ranking ministry worker just got attacked!"

"And you want me to investigate?" asked Dani in an almost annoyed tone as she secured another albino bloodhound in its crate.

Mr. Diggory nodded, his head in his hands. "First a portkey gets stolen, now this..."
"Miss Jackson!" Madam Umbridge perked up as Dani popped through the fireplace into Madam Puddifoot's. (Dani resisted the temptation to head straight back to the ministry.) "Come have a cup of tea. How have your assignments been going?"

"Mr. Diggory-"

"Oh Diggory sent you, did he? Tell him to mind his own business." Umbridge jumped from her chair and made a break for the door.

"But Dolores, you-" Madam Puddifoot turned to Dani as the door slammed behind Umbridge. "I know you mean well, m'dear. Poor Dolores, I found her after I heard a noise outside the shop, she couldn't remember anything, she must've been so-"

Dani tried her best to take in what Madam Puddifoot was saying, but she couldn't shake the image of the massive claw marks near Umbridge's right wrist out of her head. Madam Puddifoot was interrupted by the door flying open to reveal Merula, looking even more mortified than the times she had the cruciatus curse cast on her. "I've never been so glad to see you, Jackson! You have to come with me!"

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