An Enchanted Kiss Part 3

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Four days, (probably temporary) control of the duelling situation, a reasonable four-days amount of work from the Ravenclaws, and Knarl still not knowing any commands other than 'stay' later, Dani was leaving class with Penny when Diego ran up with the Spring Nymph's actress in tow. "Hey, Penny, uh... Would you mind if you brewed her a calming draught?"

Penny frowned, worried. "Oh no, is she having a panic attack or something? Pomfrey-"

"Exactly, she ISN'T having a panic attack right now-"

"But my mind is going to go blank and I'm going to stand frozen in front of the entire school just as I'm about to do the kiss scene!"

Fair enough, Dani thought, especially if that guy is your typical I-want-to-see-mudbloods-get-hurt person.

"That's not going to happen," Penny reassured. "Flitwick must've picked you as a lead only if he thought you were a good actress."

"My co-star said stage fright certainly doesn't care whether you're a good actress or not!"

Penny turned back to Diego. "I mean... Last time you asked me for a calming draught, I knocked poor Purrincess out cold..."

"That was your first try, Penny, and it was five years ago-you're literally getting ready for your NEWTs now! Besides, I don't think most potions we learn in school are designed for cats."

"Hm... I do have most of the ingredients... Should we ask Jae if he has a crocodile heart, guys?"
OnE eTeRnItY (and sandwiches for the whole school) lAtEr...

"How's the potion coming along, Jae?" Penny asked, brushing crumbs from her palms.

"I've added the lavender, crocodile heart, and peppermint oil!" said Jae proudly.

Penny grinned as she picked up a long wooden spoon. "One more quarter turn clockwise..." She leaned closer to the cauldron. "Hm... It should be ready, but I think it looks a little dark..."

"Looks fine to me."

"I agree with Penny."


"I mean..." said Penny hesitantly, "I did follow the instructions to a letter..."

"You're just throwing a wobbly over nothing, Penny." He offered a spoonful to the younger student, which she took tentatively.

"How do you feel?" Penny asked anxiously. "Calmer, I hope?"

"I feel... I feel..."

Penny's bewildered face as her schoolmate burst into tears turned into frustration. "I KNEW IT! Jae, how much peppermint oil did you add?!"

"70 drops seemed like a bit too much to count, but a little more or less shouldn't be that bad," Jae shrugged.

"Seventy?!" Penny snatched Magical Drafts and Potions out of Jae's hands, only to shove it right back in his face. "Jae Bo Kim, are you blind or are you f*cking illiterate?! It says SEVEN drops!"

"What a magnum pain indeed," remarked Dani as they all trudged to get Snape to take house points from their already-losing-to-Slytherin houses.
"I'd take house points, but I agree with you all that Professor Flitwick's 'magnum opus' is getting out of hand," said Snape, waving his wand. "As for you, young lady, I see no reason for you to ask for a calming draught, especially from our school's current worst troublemakers-yes, I know, they're heroes, but I know better than you-especially since you're the epitome of your house."

"So we're getting out of this scot-free?" asked Jae excitedly.

"These three will, because I know it's tech day and I haven't been as scared of Professor Flitwick since I was a student. The third-year Gryffindors and Slytherins have been having a bit of trouble with their Wideye Potion today, so you, Mr. Kim, will be sweeping up the cauldron pieces you seem to love to produce." Jae grabbed a broom and dustpan while the others left before Snape got into a worse mood.
"Wow," the Winter Sprite's actor gasped as he entered the great hall. "Badeea, I didn't know we were supposed to have SEVEN sets out at once, I thought we'd have one at a time. And are those costumes supposed to show where we stand, Andre? I can't tell which one I am..."

"That's because the costumes are far from done," Andre pouted.

"Andre came up with the idea of doing a sort of 'presentation' of our T-24 progress," said Badeea. "He says that it might just convince Flitwick that we really don't have enough time."


His train of thought was interrupted as Barnaby practically parkoured over two of the tables to get to Dani, who just ran in. "DANI! KNARL IS GONEEEE!"

"Gone?! I mean, he has to be here SOMEWHERE..."

"We'rs busy enough, let's not make this harder than it should be," said Diego. He took a sandwich out of his pocket and held it out in front if him.

As if someone had cast a spell, one of Badeea's sets toppled over, along with paint cans, mannequins with Andre's designs, and other sets, falling like dominos.

"...I was about to say I had a bad feeling about this 'presentation'..."

The sets and costumes are now half-drenched in various colours of paint, and what was probably the most colourful knarl in the wizarding world was now happily munching on Diego's sandwich.

Andre walked over to one of the mannequins lying on the ground. "Is that the shade you used for his lair? It suits the Winter Sprite PERFECTLY, Badeea, I think I might just start incorporating paint into my designs..."

Badeea sighed. "This isn't funny. I literally had THREE professors breathing down my neck for homework just so I could do these, Andre."

"Tut, tut, tut." Snape swept into the great hall, and Jae followed with his broom and dustpan. The professor's gaze fell on Knarl.

"We have permission from Flitwick! AND Kettleburn!" Barnaby said quickly.

"You just saved your house twenty points, Mr. Lee. Mr. Kim here was nearly done when we heard the racket from a floor below and I figured he wouldn't mind a bit of extra work. Oh, how very nice of you to finally join us, Professor Flitwick, as you can see here, your cast and crew have done a MARVELLOUS job..."

"No... NOO!! This can't be happening! My masterpiece! My magnum opus!" Flitwick burst into tears and ran out of the great hall.

Snape watched in amusement. "Don't say this about your professors, kids, but I don't think I've seen Filius act as much like a toddler than he just did. In any case, looks like there will be no 'magnum opus' after all. Mr. Kim, the stage is yours. To clean."

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