Chapter 10

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"Are we 100% SURE he won't get hurt?"

"Liz, I think a better question to ask here is why Hogwarts students are responsible for a dangerous creature that is hurting experienced ministry officials," said Ben.

The obliviously playing niffler was being guarded by six humans, all aware of the ridiculousness of their assignment.

"Turns out even 'experienced ministry officials' are too lazy for this," said Charlie.

"I mean, it's SUNDAY," Tonks grumbled. "We should be sleeping in."

"If we come out later, the wampus cat will scare all the innocent shopping villagers away," said Liz.

"I think a more likely explanation is that the 'experienced ministry officials' have accepted-"

"Guys, two o'clock!"


Two red beams connected with the yellow figure, which tumbled from a rooftop to the pavement like a bird shot down from a tree.

"-That they're so bad at their jobs that even Hogwarts students can do better than them," Dani finished her sentence as Liz pushed past her and ran to the unconscious figure, followed by Barnaby and Charlie.

"Poor thing, I hope it didn't get hurt from the fall..."

"That's a wampus cat alright," said Barnaby.

"I think I'll call him Tim," said Charlie.

"Who put this on him?" Tonks pointed at an old blue sock on one of its hind legs.
A few hours later...

"How's Tim?" Liz asked as soon as Mr. Diggory showed up in the Beast Division.

"He'll be fine, we'll soon be sending him to your Professor Kettleburn. Not many 17-year-olds can take on a fully grown wampus cat, but not only did you get rid of a creature terrorizing Hogsmeade, your schoolmates now have an opportunity to learn about this exotic creature. If you keep up with the good work, we at the ministry would love to have you on board. (There are a couple of grimaces as Dani gives her classmates an 'I told you so' look.) But for now, I know you're missing the Three Broomsticks, so drinks are on me!" He set a tray of butterbeer on the table.

Before Dani could get a sip in, the door burst open and Moody came in. "Miss Jackson, Miss Tonks? A word."

"What now?" Tonks whined.

"The sock you found on the wampus cat in Hogsmeade was a portkey connected to the United States-that was recently stolen from the ministry."

"And what does that have to do with us?"

"It's suspicious, and a good detective follows every lead. Remember that, and always practise-"

"-Constant vigilance," Dani finished his sentence."
A couple of days later, at dinner...

"What's up, Jackson?" asked Merula as Dani sat down at the Slytherin table.

"Nothing, really," replied Dani. "It's just that something's been bugging me about, you know, what happened this weekend. Thought I'd talk it over with a friend."



Merula sighed. "Poor thing was so shaken up... It sucks when things happen to people we care about, right?"

"Since when did you start... caring about your classmates, Merula?"

"I'm human, Jackson. I care about people just like you do."

"Like, the way you talked to her and me in the hospital wing, it almost seemed... guilty?"

"Something horrible happened, so it must be Merula Snyde's fault, right?"

"I mean, the time my cauldron blew up, the time Snape-"

"How old were we then? 11? 12? We're adults now. We even caught a murderer together. I've changed, and you have too."

"You're right..." Dani steeled herself, looked her friend dead in the eye, and changed the subject into the one that she'd held off on talking about for more than two weeks now.

"I was at Borgin and Burkes the last Saturday before the summer holidays."

"Mhm." Merula nodded slowly. "Jackson... Neither of us know everything. But the point is that we SHOULDN'T know ANYTHING. At all. Because it's distracting and unhealthy and we've poured so much of the last six years of our childhoods into it it's practically a part of us as adults. But believe it or not, I'm trying my best to change that."

"I am too."

"Good. Anyway, about McGonagall's assignment..."

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