An Enchanted Kiss Part 1

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Disclaimer: There is no kiss. This is a desperate attempt to move the ship along. Vote/comment if you think 'Theatre Shenanigans' (or 'Adults are Useless' for that matter) would be a more appropriate title
"Oh, great Winter Sprite! Thou must cease the cold at once and allow the flora to blossom!"

"No, Spring Nymph-"

"Professor Flitwick!"

Flitwick put up a hand to stop Dani, not taking his eyes off the students on stage.

"-I promise that I shall never do what you say. In fact, I super promise!"


"Cross my wands, hope to fly, stick a doxy in my eye!"

"Even if your eternal cold will be the ruin of us all?"



"FINALLY!" Diego grabbed Dani and dragged her to a corner of the great hall.

"Diego, I really need to talk to Flitwick, there's something I need him to have a look at. It's for the ministry-"

Diego shook his head. "That'll have to wait. Right now, he's obessing over his magnum opus, Equinox Enchanted."

"Magnum opus? This looks like a preschool play!"

"Have I mentioned they'll be performing in front of the entire school on Friday night? Like, it's Saturday night and auditions are going like this, how will we get this done in less than a week?!"

Dani was too stunned to speak.

"Anyway, as head boy and girl, Flitwick appointed us as assistant directors. Our job is to oversee the actors and production throughout the week-"

"But what about my Potions homework? Or the report on Hogwarts I have to do for the ministry? Or the wand of a MINISTRY WORKER that urgently needs to be examined?"

Diego glanced at the now-empty stage and Flitwick frowning over a list. "I think we should be able to talk to him now." He walked over to Flitwick. "Sir, have you picked the leads yet?"

"Hm... Not really..." Flitwick groaned.

"Professor, I'd really appreciate it if you could find out what spells this wand cast recently," Dani shoved Reg Cattermole's wand at Flitwick before he had a chance to talk about the play. "Someone put a complex curse on the ministry windows to make it appear that a tropical cyclone is happening outside. We suspect that this is the wand that did the job and want to know how to fix it."

"Oh... Alright," a dazed Flitwick replied.

"Thank you!"

"We'll get to work straight away, professor."
"Can this still look nice once I enchant it to melt..." Badeea's head poked out from behind her easel. "Oh hi Dani, I'm making... no progress at all."

Dani admired Badeea's set design under the moonlight and the glow of Badeea's wand. "It's amazing, Badeea."

"Flitwick wants five sets for each of the three acts." She sighed. "Something I wish non-artists understood is that it takes time for inspiration to strike. Even if I recycle parts from different sets, I highly doubt they'd all be done by FRIDAY. But I don't want to let Flitwick down..."

"It'll work out. It always does."

The looks on Badeea and Dani's faces suggest otherwise.

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