Chapter 11

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"So what do you think we'll be doing today, Dani?" Ben asked. He'd been summoned to the auror office for the first time, along with Dani and Tonks. "Grunt work again, or something we can do better than, you know, seasoned ministry officials?"

"Both suck for different reasons."

"If you haven't been happy about your assignments so far, Miss Jackson," said Moody as he entered, "one of the tasks I have for the three of you is from the Muggle-Worthy Excuses Committee, if you would prefer a change of pace."

"No, sir, my assignments have been... alright. I guess."

"Dumbledore told me that you were all students after all and to pull anyone who wasn't satisfied with the program, but kicking YOU off seems to be merely shifting responsibility." Moody laughed as Dani rolled her eyes. "Plus, I do believe I can provide more thrill for you than he can. Anyway, I was going to send you and Mr. Copper to investigate a faulty wand that was sent to Mr. Ollivander's store..."
"Ben, Mr. Ollivander's here!" Dani said as she climbed out of the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron, which was more crowded than usual.

"Along with a crap ton of people," moaned Ben, brushing soot off his shirt. "What's going on? Is there a celebrity here or something?"

"Why, young man, you're in the presence of one!" A woman with purple glasses and frizzly blonde hair ran up to Dani. A notepad and a long, colourful quill floated next to her. "You must be Alexander Jackson's little sister! Rita Skeeter from the Daily Prophet, I've been positively DYING to-"

"Rita, sweetling, aren't you going to introduce me?" Another woman, with glittery heels, pearls and chains all over her neck and wrists, overdone makeup, and picture-perfect wavy platinum blonde hair came up to Rita.

"Zenith, this is Danielle Jackson-I'm sure you've heard of her brother, Alexander. Dani-that's what your friends call you, right?-this is Zenith Xeep. I've been covering her illustrious career for quite a while now. Even if your parents don't listen to her opera, your dad's coworkers must."

"How wonderful!" exclaimed Zenith. "You see, your parents and their friends may know me for my voice, but my beauty is unparalleled. I'm holding a meet-and-greet for my newest product, Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution. I want it to appeal to all ages, so I'd love to hear what the younger generation thinks."

"I don't see why not, Madam Xeep."

"Call me Zenith, sweetling. Now..."

While Zenith led the students into the crowd, Ben yawned as Dani fell back with him. "Look who's the real celebrity here," he said sarcastically. "So you're more worried about your adoring public than getting kicked off?"

"Won't hurt to find out more," smirked Dani. "And don't worry, I have an eye on Ollivander."

Zenith gestured at a pyramid of purple bottles on a table. "Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution is designed to be a full hair care regimen, an all-in-one solution to all of your hair woes-and it can be used as part of a hydrating skincare routine too!"

"It's a miracle product!" Rita commented as the quill scribbled furiously on the notebook.

"Sounds a bit too good to be true. Who exactly proved any of that?" asked Ben skeptically.

"Some of the most accomplished medical professionals in the wizarding world-good enough that most common folk wouldn't know their names, sweetling."

Dani caught the uncertain look on Ben's face. "Zenith, I appreciate it, but we have somewhere else to be-"

"But Dani-" Rita began.

"Before you go, I'd like to gift you a sample of Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution!" Zenith passed Dani a bottle with a 'thank me for saving you from her' wink in Rita's direction. "Give it a try. I'm sure you'll be enlightened by the results. Oh, and one for your friend too, of course! Have an amazing day!"

Ben gave his bottle a sniff as he followed Dani through the crowd towards Ollivander. "I mean... at least... nobody's dead yet?"

"Maybe Merula's right, because 17-year-olds with zero field experience shouldn't be thinking like this," Dani thought aloud just before reaching Ollivander and tapping him on the shoulder.

"Ben! Dani! I didn't expect to see you two here! I've been using Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution all week. I even used some before I left! Don't you two think my hair looks better?"

"It looks the same to me," said Ben.

"To be fair, we don't see you a lot anyway," said Dani. "We're here as part of the ministry's careers program to ask you about the faulty wand you reported."

"What faulty wand?! I don't remember any faulty wands in my shop in a while!"

"But Mr. Moody sent us on this assignment," Ben protested.

"Can we take a look at your shop, Mr. Ollivander?" asked Dani.

A few minutes later, Dani immediately noticed the wand sitting on the counter the moment she stepped into the store. "Is this the faulty wand, Mr. Ollivander?"

"I don't remember seeing this wand before..." Ollivander took the wand for a couple of moments before his face twisted in fury. "It's a fake! I'd recognize any wand crafted by this shop. Wandmakers have very specific styles. This was made by another hand."

"Do you remember who sent you this wand, sir?"

"I don't seem to remember... Let me check my ledger..." Ollivander opened a thick book on his counter. "Apparently, my last customer before you two was Madam Villanelle, with a blackthorn and phoenix feather wand... Must be very powerful, and very particular about owners... But I've been so tired and having such a hard time focusing I can't remember our meeting..."

"So are we heading to Flourish and Blotts now?" said Dani as they left the store.

"Don't see anywhere else we could go," Ben agreed, clutching the fake wand.

"Hello, Mr. Copper, Miss Jackson," Madam Villanelle greeted them warmly as they entered. "How can I help you today?"

"Did you report a faulty wand to Mr. Ollivander recently?"

"Hm... I don't recall having a faulty wand."

"Why were you at Ollivander's, then?"

"I haven't been to Ollivander's in ages..."

"He had you in his ledger."

"I apologize, I've been quite forgetful this past week. Must be the long back-to-school hours. I'm glad I get to unwind with Xeep's Luscious Locks Solution every night. The lavender smell is very soothing."

"And there goes our only lead," Ben grumbled as they went back outside.

"I'll admit, there's one thing I'm curious about..." said Dani pensively, eyeing the fake wand still in Ben's hand. "...I've heard of misfiring fake wands making jars explode... but are they remotely strong enough to affect memories?"

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