An Enchanted Kiss Part 4

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Diego looked on wistfully as Jae cleaned and Andre and Badeea sifted through colourful debris to see if any part of their hard work could be salvaged. "It's a shame. Hogwarts hasn't had a play for a while, and I was looking forward to directing this. And I'm sure you guys auditioned because you were interested, too."

"Well, I'M not interested anymore-no thanks to Flitwick."

"I'll have to admit Flitwick was really passionate about this. And as head boy and head girl, we should find a way to make sure the show goes on."

"As much as I don't want to admit it, Diego, you're right... but how?"

Diego looked back at the stage, where Andre and Badeea had rounded to the one wintery set with the Spring Nymph's costume in front of it-the only two things that hadn't been knocked down. "The costume actually looks pretty nice. We could use that last set, scale down the script... Turn this into a one-woman show?"

"So I won't have to kiss him?!"

"Yep. Are we all on board? ...That's amazing! Dani, let's go tell Flitwick!"
"Mr. Caplan, Miss Jackson! I was hoping to speak with you two. I apologize that I got a bit carried away attempting to fulfill my long-harboured dreams of the stage. I asked too much of you and the cast and crew. I hope you can forgive my lofty ambitions."

"Of course, professor. We're think we can manage to put on a scaled-down version of Equinox Enchanted tomorrow night. It may not be as grand as you envisioned, but it will have the heart."

"We've put so much effort into the play. If we can show that to all of our schoolmates, then love will truly have conquered all. How could you say no to that, professor?"

"...It seems you understand the message of Equinox Enchanted even better than I do. Alright then, let's get this show on the road, shall we?"
************************************" chaos the world did not fall, for love will always conquer all."

The great hall erupted into applause.

"Thank you, thank you!" said Flitwick, coming onto the stage. "All the credit goes to the cast and crew, who showed me that love will conquer all and bring our dreams to life!"

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