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On Christmas eve night and all through the house a mother, father and son were looking for the daughter. Adri, Luther, and Thomas are searching for Luciana in their home. " Luci! Luci!" Adri called as all 3 enter her bedroom. "Luciana, where are you? We're late!" Luther just sighed as he was about to give up on the search "How does our daughter know the exact worst time to disappear?" he says as they continue to look. Their son Thomas sees Luciana in the mirror just sitting on the beanbag chair in her fox form upset. He smirks and goes up to Luciana and tickles her ear. Luciana giggles. "Tell me have you been here this whole time?" He asked as Luciana looked at them all. Her father with arms crossed as he was losing a little of his patience from the search. "Well, not forever..." Didn't you hear us call for you? We're late! The Charity Christmas Ball starts in, like, five minutes. All our friends and family are already there. Come on!" The family walks to the door but Luciana doesn't follow. "Luciana? Come on!" Adri turns around to see her daughter and laughs as she walks back to Luciana. "Wow. It looks like someone's got the Christmas spirit." she spoke sarcastically as Luciana begins to protest in denial "This isn't Christmas!" Really?" Thomas questioned, "Because the calendar says December 24th, Christmas Eve Luc, and pretty much everyone we know is at the Charity Christmas Ball, where we need to be." He explains but Luciana protests even more. " I don't want to go to the Ball! I want to do what we do every Christmas Eve! I want to stay home and make cookies and drink cocoa and sing carols and open a special present! That's what we do, and I'm staying here until we do it!" Luther looks at his daughter and loosened his posture as he knows his daughter is not very used to new traditions "Luciana. We know you miss what we usually do, but look at what we get instead. We'll go to a big party, spend time with our friends and family, and support a really good cause. The Ball will raise money for a hospital. It's Christmas." I hate Christmas!" Luciana outbursts. Adri looked at her daughter and just looked at her "I see. Hmm... " She looks over to Luther and Thomas as she smirks with an idea brewing in her head "You know what? I think it's okay if we run a little late. I wanna show you something." Adri goes to her shelf and brings a snow globe to Luciana. "Mom.. That's your special snow globe. You said I wasn't allowed to touch it." Adri smiled at her daughter "Well, this is a special occasion." Adri holds it out to Luciana, but Luciana hesitates. "Go on." She said insisting her daughter to take it. Luciana takes the snow globe and Adri winds it up. The snow globe plays "O Christmas Tree". "There's a story behind this snow globe." There is?" Luciana asked in curiosity. Adri nods as Luther smiles at her as she explains " A story about the beauty of Christmas, and how one person discovered it. Your father and I were there to see. Long ago before you were even born..."

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