The Best Christmas Ever!!!

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Back in the theater. Adri, Luther, Talia, Maria, Cedar, Tails, Celia, Connor, and Emitt are working on their parts on the daily as usual but all of a sudden Miyu slams the door after he enters wearing Christmas colors "Stop! Stop the rehearsal, stop everything!" Connor trips on the floor from the outburst as everyone was nervous about Miyu's Apperance. " Please, don't fire us. We're all here." Cedar says before he retracts the plead "Okay, yes, maybe we're a couple of minutes late, but..." Please, let us keep our jobs" Tails begged. " No, it's okay. It's okay." Miyu said "I'm not here to fire anyone. It's Christmas. I'm here to send you home to your families!" Emitt was confused by Miyu's change of heart "But you said..." Well, forget what I said. I was crazy, I was wrong! Go! Go!" Everyone looked at each other with mixed feeling =s as they begin to walk away "I mean, wait. Stop! Come back." Miyu says as everyone turned around and walk back towards him "I have presents... I, of course, saved my shopping for the last minute, and, of course, everything was closed today, so I had to just grab what I had, but... Merry Christmas. Talia..." Miyu hands out gifts. "Celia! Connor. Careful! Heavier than it looks! ... Cedar What time is it? Cuckoo!" He laughs as joy filled everyone liking this new Miyu. Everyone smiled and thanks him as he smiles back. He then looked over to Emitt and Maria "Emit, Maria, I'm saving yours for later. Oh, wait. No, there's more, there's more. I forgot! I found something else in my house that I wanted to give you." Miyu reached in the bag as there was mini bags of money in them and hands them out to everyone  "Christmas bonuses! Yes, because you're all so talented, and it is truly an honor and a pleasure to work with you. Now, go have a holiday. I'll see you in two weeks when we open. Merry Christmas!" Cedar smiled "Thank you." He tries to do a magic trick but takes carrots out of his hat. "Um, it was supposed to be flowers" He sweatdropped but Miyu smiled as he laughed "I love them... Emitt I have one more thing for you. A favor to ask. " He gives Emitt a note as Celia and Connor does a mini performance for Miyu in a form of gratitude "Merry Christmas!" They spoke in unison and hugged Miyu "That was beautiful. Thank you." Miyu says Talia walked over to him as she gives him a cheerful smile, ears fluttering in pure joy "I was wrong about you, Miyu. You're one of the good ones. Arigato." She bowed "Merry Christmas." Just as he said that Emitt finishes reading the note. He was filled with pure delight "Yes. Yes!" He then ran out the door in his black trench coat. Maria walked over confused from his excitement "What was that all about?" I guess he liked his Christmas present." Suddenly Adri and Luther walked over to Miyu speechless from the sight they were seeing. Adri speaks up trying to say find the words "Miyu, I..." Adri," He cuts her off "I know for a fact you've been working on another show behind my back." Both of them became nervous as Luther was ready to defend his fiance "Please, let us explain." before any harm was done <iyu hugged them both "And I think it's wonderful! I want to go with you to see the kids perform. I understand I might have a couple of fans at the orphanage." Luther was shocked by this as he was expecting his selfish reactions like usual "You do, but how do you know about the orphanage?" Maybe it came to me in a dream. Come on. Let's hurry." Miyu pulls them as they were leaving to the orphanage but Adri pulled them back stopping them as an idea came to her "Wait. Let's make our special guest a surprise." Miyu gasps liking  the idea as Luther smiled. "Yes!" They laughed heading to the orphanage now. 

Later at the orphanage the orphans finishing  "Joy to the World".

Orphans: [Singing.] And wonders about his love

Joy to the world~!

The crowd applauds and cheers by the children's amazing performance. Adri and Luther heads over to kids as they smiled towards them "That was amazing, everyone. Thank you so much, but we're not done quite yet. We've brought you a special Christmas present. A special guest we thought you might want to meet. Special guest?" Adri motioned as Miyu walked out the door "Merry Christmas, everybody." The orphan's gasp and chatter from the wonderful surprise. Tammy walked over as she was super excited "Miyu Morningstar!" Miyu looked down at the little girl and smile towards her "Tammy..." He said as Tammy gasps. "You know my name." Miyu walks over and hugs her. The kids gets excited as they all wanted hugs from him "I want a hug, too!" Jacob says as Miyu was filled with pure delight "Of course, of course. Adri and Luther told me so much about you. I feel like I know you all. Oh, Elizabeth, Jacob, Edmund. You were all incredible! I'm so happy to be a part of your Christmas. Ooh, and I have a special present for you all. I am going to personally adopt this place. Anything you need, new furniture, toys, books... Anything and everything. I just want you to come directly to me, and I will make sure you have it. I want these children to have the best." The children cheered as Vector was very surprised of his appearance "I'm stunned. There are no words." Miyu lifted up Tammy as she hugged him "This is the best Christmas ever! God bless us, everyone!" She says as the children cheer. Luther was really amazed by Miyu's change of heart as it fills him with pure joy. a feeling he hasn't had in years aside from his fiance "You're incredible. Where did all this come from?" You two wouldn't believe me if I told you. Just trust that it had a lot to do with you. Thank you. Both of you." Adri smiled as tears of joy fell of her face as she have long missed the Miyu she known as kid for so long "Thank you for giving me back my friend." The children cheered as she and Miyu hugged tightly as a little tear went down Miyu's face missing this warm and sweet feeling from his best friend. They unlocked the embrace as Miyu wiped his tear remembering his next surprise "Ooh, your Christmas presents. Part one." They walked out the gates as  Miyu laughs and whistles. Emitt, Maria and all the employees of the theather arrives in a horse-drawn carriage. "Miyu!" Adri says in surprise as Miyu smiled "They're the fastest horses money can buy. If we leave now, I think we can all make it to your families house in time for a big Christmas party. That is it's okay for us to tag along?" Okay? I'd love it if you guys came home with us for Christmas!" Adri says in pure delight "Guys!" Maria waved as Luther was surprised on seeing Emitt outside "Emitt?! You're driving us?" It would be my greatest honor." He said smiling. Miyu motioned his head towards Maria for him to give her, her Christmas present. Emitt looks over to Maria to bring her down the carriage and looks her in the eyes. "Maria you had made me the happiest man on the planet. You were able to spark a warm fire in my heart for years now. I believe it is the right time to make it official."  He bends down on one knee pulling out a tiny box as Maria's face flushed 10 fold not believing this was really happening "Maria Vivian Fox. Would you like to have the honor of becoming my wife?" He opens the box revealing a beautiful gold ring as Maria slowly teared up our joy filling her up as this was the best Christmas present she could ever get "Yes Emitt! I'd love too!" Emitt smiled in pure joy and pulled her hand to his level placing the ring on her finger. He engulfed her into a passionate kiss as everyone at the orphanage cheered and congratulated them on their engagement. "Yes!" He shouts in pure joy hugging his fiance and nuzzling her intensely as Maria giggles as they all board the carriage. Adri looked over to him as she was just overjoyed by all these Christmas miracles he was creating for everyone "Your amazing, Miyu." Wait, there's more. Although, this is more my Christmas present." Miyu brings out the snow globe from his bag and an extra one which is the same one he has. Adri's eyes widened as she couldn't believe her eyed "I can't believe you still have it." I do, and this globe belongs to you" He hands her the other snow globe. "So from now on, I'm keeping my globe on my nightstand so I'll remember to hold this feeling of Christmas in my heart every day of the year, and one day, We'll pass it down to our children and grandchildren and our great-grandchildren so they'll remember, too." Thank you. That's a perfect Christmas present." Luther smiled as he nodded to Emitt telling himthat it was time to go. Emitt begins to move the carriage but the horses whinney when the carriage gets stuck in built-up snow. Which worried everyone "This snow..." The carriage can't make it through this weather. And sadly for me, it's too cold for me to even be able to use my powers." Emitt says which is a sad truth for the fact that he needs all the fire he has to keep him warm as Talia added on "And I don't have my Spellbooks and cards either. using my chaos abilities could damage the carriage as well since I still can't control it...Even Celia and Conner aren't ready either..." This was becoming a total disaster as everyone is worried they won't make it "Oh, no..." Miyu spoke in disappointment. But suddenly the figures of the spirits in Miyu's snow globe who helped Miyu on his Christmas journey came to life and begin to cast magic. They float out of the globe.

Christmas Past: We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

And a happy New Year~

Spirits: We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

And a happy New Year~

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

And a happy New Year~

Glad tidings to you~

Wherever you are~

They watched as Adri, Talia, and Emitt see themselves as the spirits floating in the air "Do you see that?" Emitt asked as Adri was in surprise "I thought maybe it was one of your holograms Tal." No, I've never seen anything like that in my life." Talia disagreed surprised as everyone but Miyu felt this way familiar "I have." Miyu says as the spirits use magic to enable the carriage to move. "It's Amazing!" Adri exclaimed as Luther was puzzled but left it alone

Spirits: [Singing.] We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

And a happy New Year~

Everyone and the spirits: [Singing.] Glad tidings to you~

Wherever you are~

We wish you a merry Christmas

And a happy New Year~

The carriage moved as everyone waved their goodbyes to the orphanage "Goodbye. Merry Christmas!" Merry Christmas." Goodbye!" See you soon." Goodbye! Merry Christmas!" Suddenly the ghost of Sarah and the other EXE's appeared with no chains on them meaning they were set free as Miyu smiled happily seeing his Family once more.

Spirits: [Singing.] We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

And a happy~ New Year~!

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