I want to change!

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Miyu, Hog, and Christmas Future go to see future Adri. They exit the portal right when Future Adri was talking to an employee rather harshly. "Holiday? Who said anything about a holiday?" But... but it's Christmas!" The seamstress rebuttals but Adri didn't budge "I'm aware it's Christmas! Which means there's only two weeks before we show the new line of the most popular label in the world! You should want to work every day... but if you're not dedicated enough..." The Seamstress didn't want to lose her job so she apologized to her not wanting to cause any further delays  "Oh, I am, I promise! I'm sorry I complained, Miss Artwright." Good." Miyu was very puzzled by Future Adri's behavior it was like she lost the sweet innocent charm that everyone loved about her "I don't understand. She doesn't sound like the Adri I know at all. She sounds like..." Before he could finish that sentence his future self walked into the store, Adri's mood brightened up "Miyu!" Adri.." They hugged as true Miyu was surprised by her appearance  "I can't believe I found you here at work on Christmas. I thought you'd be home with your family or... Or celebrating somewhere." Adri just raised an eyebrow at him as if he was crazy "I don't really celebrate Christmas any more. I was a little soured on the holiday when... when was I soured on it again? Oh! Yes! When you fired me and my newly husband because we came in late on Christmas day." Uh-oh." Miyu does not like where this was going "Oh, right... Um..." His future self tries to say something but Adri stopped him "No, it's okay. You actually did us a favour. You proved I'd been wrong and you were right." Miyu know what was going to happen he never thought this would happen to her "No. No, don't say it, Adri. Don't say it." he prayed but she did say it "It is a selfish world... and in a selfish world, the selfish succeed." I see." Future Miyu spoke "I'm not 100 percent sure that's really true, actually." Adri didn't budge as she was positive in her "own" way  "Oh, I am. I tried to be selfless. I looked out for you. I looked out for everyone at the Theater. I even tried to help out one of the poorest orphanages in Mobius. Know what happened?" I fired you." He responded "Which meant my husband and I had to scramble for work. We found something, but it took us out of town for months. Know what we found when we got back?" No..." We found nothing. That orphanage we were helping? It closed down while we were away. We had no idea. There was one little girl Luther was planning to take in as our daughter for Christmas...  But she was gone. They all were. Scattered out in the world to try and fend for themselves. You can imagine." Miyu felt pity for her knowing it was all his fault for this to happen "No... Not the children. Oh, Adri.." Future Adri straightened up from her emotional roller coaster back to face the facts "My point is, We learned our lesson. Caring hurts. So we stopped. Now we just concentrate on ourselves, and look! I'm a star! Just like you used to be." Miyu didn't want to hear any more of this from her. it was like looking into your mirror "Adri, listen. Don't make the same mistakes I made. You're better than that. Don't be like me. Do you hear me, Adri? Adri!" He tries to speak to her but no veil as she can't hear him "So, you can't help me?"  Future Miyu asked feeling ashamed "I'm done helping people, Miyu. It never works." Oh, I see. I'm... I'm sorry I bothered you. Merry Christmas, Adri." Future Miyu slowly walked away ready to head home in the cold weather. Future Adri felt little pity for him "Miyu. Here, it's cold out there." She throws future Miyu a scarf as it blows through the wind. "Oh, I've got it! I've got it!" He falls and exclaims. The scarf falls in the snow. "I've got it... and it's completely useless. I guess that's the way with me....Oh... How did I come to this? I wish... Oh, it doesn't matter what I wish." Miyu stares in disbelief just looking at this horrible vision "No! That can't be it! This can't be your life. This can't be my life! There has to be some mistake Emitt, there has to be a way to change things." Christmas just looked at him with hands in his pockets "That chance passed long ago. As of now, this is the road of your future." Miyu didn't want this to happen at this point he begs to Christmas Future to make things right "But it can't be! It's too horrible. I don't want to live this life. I want to change. Oh, please. Please just give me the chance. I want to change. I don't want this. Please, please. Just give me another chance." Christmas Future casts magic on Miyu as he continues to ask for mercy and to be given a second chance. 

Seconds later Miyu wakes up in bed. "Please! Oh." He gasps "It's morning!" he hears people wishing a Merry Christmas out his window as he starts to get excited "It's Christmas morning." He gasps. "It's Christmas morning! Oh! Oh, it hasn't happened yet! Oh! Oh, quick! The portals, All those portals of the future, I can choose a new one! A new portal, yes! I don't have to make the same mistakes! I can change everything! Oh, yes! I... can... h... h... help people! Help people, yes! I can make this the best Christmas ever! Oh, I have to go shopping! Can't go shopping, I'm not dressed. Oh, it's Christmas! The stores are all closed. What should I do? Yes. We'll go shopping right here! Alright! Let's go Christmas shopping." He gets dressed and looked around his room to do some mini-Christmas shopping.

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