Adri: The Spirit of Christmas Present

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Later, Miyu was sleeping. The clock chimes as it strikes 1 a.m. "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" begins to play in Miyu's room. Miyu wakes up and lifts his mask to see A girl conducting an orchestra of floating instruments playing the carol. He looked at the figure a noticed exactly who it was. "Wha? Adri???" The girl turned around with a cheerful smile on her face "Why, hello Miyu!"  Miyu gasps as he is lifted out of bed by magic. He floats next to Her. "Adri, What are you doing in my room?" He looks at her as if the cheerful smile never faded. "Why, We're celebrating. It's Christmas!" Hog pops up and blows a French horn blares scaring Miyu. "Was that a little loud?! Sorry about that." Hog said. Adri just giggled as she held Miyu's hand "Now, come on and join the party!" She casts magic to bring Hog next to her and Miyu. "Oh! I'm being rude.! She clears her throat. "I am the Spirit of Christmas Present." She bowed in a polite curtsey before she whistled toward the instruments.  "Some traveling music, please." She conducts as Upbeat music plays and the musical notes turn into a portal. She laughs as she, Miyu, and Hog float into a portal.

In the portal, Miyu yells as Christmas Present laughs. They land in Station Square Theater, where Maria was playing her violin, Emitt was on the piano and Talia was dancing ballet practicing "Branle de l'Official"  

Of course, Cedar was enchanted by his wife as he and the other employees worked on their parts. Miyu looked at Christmas Present as he didn't appreciate the rude awakening from a spirit who was his best friend "Adri! How dare you drag me off like that? Don't you have any idea who I am? Wait, but you said we were going to Christmas Present, right?" She kept her smile and nodded "That's right!" And everyone's here to work, and they're happy. Look at them. See? Working through Christmas isn't such a hardship at all." All was to Miyu's satisfaction until Connor started talking "What is that, Miyu? You want us to work for Christmas?" He throws a tomato at a portrait of Miyu. Everyone laughs. "Oh, ho! That must have hurt." Celia smiled from her twin brother's entertainment and wanted to join in on the fun. "Ah, Connor, it's fine. Mama, Papa, Uncle Tails, and the others are happy being here. Whoops!" She throws another tomato and everyone laughs. Miyu was getting furious and stepped over to them even though he is well aware they can't hear him. "You're out! You're all out of my theatre!" That's priceless!" Christmas Present laughs as she was enjoying the show which caused Miyu to be more furious "Priceless? Adri your grandkids are throwing tomatoes at me!" While juggling! Ooh, you could put that in your act!" Miyu couldn't believe what he was hearing from his own best friend "Oh, whose side are you on? You guys wouldn't be anywhere without me! You all owe me!" They continue to watch as Talia steps over "At least Emitt's happy... While working through Christmas." Now is your chance to propose to Maria." Cedar stepped in as Emitt nodded "As long as we clean up before Adri and Luther get back. I don't think they'll appreciate us throwing tomatoes at her childhood friend." As soon as he said that the door opens as Adri and Luther returned. "Hello, everyone! Did you..." She gasps as she sees the tomatoes on the portrait. "Guys....?" she was getting upset and walked over down the stairs towards the culprits "We're sorry, Grandma." Celia apologized but Adri was still cross. She looked over to Connor who was still holding a tomato in his hand. When she is mad she says nothing and Connor was a little nervous about what she was about to do. She opened her hand towards him in a direct order to give her the tomato and Connor gives Adri the tomato. Miyu was satisfied with this vision as he looked over at Christmas Present "See? At least this Adri understands gratitude. She won't let you get away with this." What he didn't expect Adri's expression took a whole 360 as she throws the tomato at the portrait. "What?!" Miyu mustered out in shock as The employees cheered and clapped as Christmas Past laughs. Adri Holds out an arm to Luther. "Shall we dance?" Luther looked at her and smiled "I'd love to." They take hands as Talia puts on her mp3 with a speaker and played the actual "Branle de l'official"

Everyone laughs and danced together as Miyu couldn't bear the embarrassment anymore "That's it. I want to leave." Christmas present was snapped out of her musical trance as she looked at him "Oh, what? Right now?"Now!" Miyu demanded as She sighs "Oh... Oh, all right."  She conducted the musical notes that were appearing from the music in the air as she makes Miyu and Hog float into a portal while they exclaim. Miyu opened his eyes and was disappointed they weren't in his room. They landed in the streets further into the present. "This isn't my bedroom. I told you to take me home." Oh! I thought you said you just wanted to leave. You have to be more specific honey." She laughs but then felt a little off "Oh, did I miss something?" She looked around until she noticed Hog was on her dress and takes him off. She giggled from the little hedgehog's silliness "Hoggy you're a little rascal, aren't you?" She nuzzled Hog before she sets him down. He walks onto the road and gets startled by the horse that Present Adri and Luther are traveling on. The horse sense he is there even though they can't see him, and they whinny. "Whoa!" She held onto Luther not wanting to fall as Hog gets out of the way so the horse can calm down. Luther lets out a sighed relief before looking at his fiance continuing the conversation they were having "I suggest you better break ties with Miyu because He's not the old Miyu you know anymore. He's a monster if you ask me. To keep you away from your family after everything we did for him?!" Adri just shook her head no as she just looks at him "He's not a monster. He makes me crazy sometimes, but then I remember all the times he made me laugh, and everything we did together." She laid her head on top of his and nuzzled him a little "I can't break ties with him by now because my friend's still in there, Luther. I can get mad at him, but I can't hate him." She lifted her head off and smiled at him "And look, since we're not racing home, we don't have to drop off the costumes and run. We can stay and see our other show." Luther gave her words and just smiles at her, respecting her decision. Miyu has never felt betrayed in his life by his own best friend just by looking at this vision "Your other show? I knew it! The ingratitude! You are done at the Theater. Done!" He turns to Christmas Present when Adri and Luther ride away. "Can you believe that?" She nodded and just shrugs  "Oh, yes, we're very talented. I'm sure we could do a million shows!" She laughs. "I hope we can still get a seat." She smiles and takes Miyu and Hog to the show at an orphanage. "Oh, would you look at this?" She tuts. "I'd never expect My present self and Luther to show in a place like this. Would you?" Hog nodded in agreement. "Of course not." Miyu agreed as well "Don't you see? You and your fiance don't want me to know about your little sideline, so you two made sure they rehearsed here where no one in the universe would come. Oh, you're devious, Adriana Artwright. Devious. And what new actress is waiting for you here, Hmm? Meghan Fox? Kylo Ren? Ben-" A door opens and orphans greet Adri and Luther as they cheered and smiled. "Hello, everyone!" Adri gleefully greeted the children one of the kids came over "Adri, Luther! Merry Christmas, guys. Merry Christmas!" Merry Christmas, everybody." Luther smiles until they see a little girl with a crutch as she walks towards them he kneels to see her. "Hello, Tammy." Merry Christmas, Adri! Merry Christmas, Luther!" Tammy smiled as she, Adri, and Luther hugged, and the other orphans ask for hugs. "I want a hug, too!" All right. Big group hug!" Adri smiles as the orphans hug Adri and Luther as they chatter. "Ah, orphans. Oh, you're right. We are devious." Christmas Present joked "So, is everyone ready for your Christmas carol costumes?" They showed them their costumes as the orphans gasp and thank Adri and Luther. Oh, don't worry. We have one for everybody. As the kids were excited as Tammy walked over to them "Adri, Luther, did you get to tell Miyu Morningstar about us?" The other kids got excited as they wanted to know as well "Yes." Will he come to see our show?" Will he, Adri? Will he?" Adri didn't want to disappoint the children so she came up with the best lie possible "We did tell Miyu about you, and he wanted me to tell you that he's very sorry he can't come, but he's so proud of all of you, and he wishes each of you a Merry Christmas." They were happy as one of the kids puffed their chest proudly "Hear that? Miyu Morningstar wishes me a Merry Christmas!"It must be so amazing to hear him sing every day. You're so lucky!" Adri smiled towards Tammy "We are lucky... but not because we get to hear Miyu sing."Then why?" Tammy asked. "Because we get to hear you sing." Luther responded as the orphans cheered  Now, come on, everyone. People will be here soon. Time to put on your costumes and get ready for the show."  Miyu was amazed by the way those children came alive with Adri and Luther... and it wasn't just that they brought them new clothes. Clothes were the least of them. It was their attention. The simple fact is that they cared. It got to Miyu, and she couldn't stop watching.

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