Talia: The Spirit of Christmas Past

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Miyu and Hog sleeping in bed when the clock struck midnight. Suddenly a magic wand cast magic on Miyu. Miyu thinks it is Hog trying to wake him up. "Hog. Hog, it's not morning. Oh, that's it, Hog, you're going outside."  Miyu takes off his sleeping mask and rubbed his eye a little"Oh, I had the strangest dream last night." Really?! I'd love to hear all about it!" AH!" Miyu screams and gets out of bed. He looks at the figure as he recognized the blue-eyed Artic fox. "Talia?! What are you?" The white fox giggled  "Hehe~! Why, I'm the Spirit of Christmas Past, of course! Didn't your Aunt Sarah tell you I was coming? Ha-ha!" It didn't go through his head yet but it does help him remember his interaction with Sarah. Christmas past looked over as she gasped seeing the cute fuzzy blue hedgehog "Oh, you found Hoggy!" She casts magic on Hog, making him float into the air. She pets him as he snuggles her cutely. "Ooh, you are just the cutest thing!" She begins cooing at Hog. "Is this a joke?" Miyu questioned sternly "Cause if it is it's not funny and you're fired!" Christmas Past laughs. "No, silly! I've come to take you to..." She pauses to think, distracting her from making Hog float. Hog falls from the air onto Miyu's bed. Christmas Past stammers. "Where did I put that note? A-ha! No, no... Ah! A-ha! To your childhood Christmas." She laughs. "What fun!" Miyu looked at her as he felt nervous about that idea "My childhood? Oh, I don't think that's such a good..." Christmas Past takes his hand and pulls him. "Whoa! Oh!" Hear the bells and through the snow, it's off to your Christmas past we go!" Christmas Past creates a portal to the past. "Off we go then!" Whoa!" Miyu screams as he begins to float. Hog clings to Miyu's back hanging on. "Ooh! Hog?" Alright fasten your seatbelts and here we go!" Wait I don't think that's... Whoa!" Christmas Past pulls Miyu into the portal, and Hog yelps as he goes in too. 

Miyu, Hog, and Christmas Past are now in the portal of the past "Okay. So, I didn't want to say anything at first," She played with her wand a little "But I have to tell you, Maria and I are huge fans of yours! Maybe the hugest! And we just love your voice, especially when you sing Christmas carols. Oh, I was like... I mean... I was like... " She begins to stammer as she tries to find the right words to describe "Heavenly chimes, that's what it is! Oh, and it's such an honor to... Oh! I'm sorry. Uh, is it odd for you that I'm such a huge fan and I'm working under you?"That's not the part that's odd for me."  Miyu says as Christmas Past takes Miyu's hand. "Hold on!" What? Why?" Miyu and Hog scream as they go faster through the portal.

Miyu, Hog, and Christmas Past arrive in the past. They see young Miyu sitting in a quiet room with no signs of it being Christmas. Christmas past was puzzled as she looked around the place. "Oh! I think. Something's not right. We were supposed to get here at Christmas. Oh! I must've miscalibrated. Stupid wand." She grunts as she shakes and hits her magic wand. "No. This is right." Miyu says as Christmas Past dropped one in more confusion "It is? But it can't be. There's no tree, no stockings, no presents, no decorations..." She gasps, finally realizing what he means, and looked at him with pity "Oh... you poor thing..." Hog tries to hug young Miyu but falls. "Oh, poor hoggy!" Christmas Past went over to hog and picks him up. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" Hog nods "You know, we can't eat or even touch food when we travel to other times. And no one can see us or hear us when we talk, okay?" Hog nodded before they heard the door open. "Miyu?" Sarah enters the room holding a hand mirror grooming her quills as young Miyu quickly finishes his food. "I'm all done, Aunt Sarah. Can I go over to Adri's house?" Of course not. After dinner, we rehearse." Sarah says still looking at her reflection "I know, but I thought we could... maybe make an exception today... because it's Christmas!" Sarah finally puts the mirror down and looked over at Miyu "I'm aware it's Christmas, which means you still need to do more practice." Yes I know" young Miyu continues to try to persuade her "but the Adri's friends and family said they'd love to see me there. Adri even said it'd make her Christmas." Sarah was shocked when she heard this "Make her Christmas? Make her Christmas? What about your Christmas? More importantly, what about your future? You want to be a star, don't you?" She says using her manipulative persuasion on young Miyu "I do, but..." More than anything else in the world?" Yes, but..." Then, what Adri and her family want don't matter. What do I always tell you?" Miyu looks down in disappointment as he spoke "In a selfish world, the selfish succeed." That's right. And if you want to succeed, you must use every second of your time selfishly." young Miyu stays quiet and just nodded his head "Good choice. I'm proud of you. Now go work your scales until dinner's ready." Sarah leaves the room and Miyu goes to look out the window. He sees Adri's house and sadly turns away.

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