Keeping the spirit of Christmas in your heart every day of the year

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" And did you guys made it home in time for dinner?" Luciana asked as we returned to the Artwright home Adri nodded "We did, and every year after that, we spent Christmas the same way. We helped others in the morning, then spent the evening together with our families and friends." Luciana smiled as she was amazed by this story "Mom, Dad?" Yes, Luciana?" Luther responded as She pointed at the snow globe "That snow globe that you gave Miyu, and Miyu gave to you, the one that Miyu said he'd pass down to his children, is that the same magical snow globe? Did this story really happen?" Adri looked over to Luther as she winked knowing Luciana will soon find out herself sooner or later which he chuckled. Thomas was very confused by his parents but let it go not wanting to press anything "Maybe," She shrugged "But I do know one thing for sure, this is yours now." She gives Luciana the snow globe as she smiled "Really? For keeps?" Adri laughs. For keeps, so it can remind you to keep the beauty of Christmas in your heart every day of the year. Luciana's ears flapped as she was finally calm and returned to her human form "Just like Miyu. Thanks, Mom, Thanks Dad, Thanks Thomas. Merry Christmas." Merry Christmas, Luciana." They all said in unison as they have a family group hug. Suddenly the moment broke as the door opens. A girl came in with a tiny flame floating around her head as she was wearing a teal ball gown "Okay, so I'm at this crazy, amazing charity Christmas Ball, I'm looking everywhere for my friends, and you're still here?" The family broke the hug as Adri waved to her bestie "Hey, Smol. Sorry. We're just running a little late." Luther said as they all got up "but I think we're ready now. Are we?" Adri winks at Luciana and Luciana winks back "Yeah, we are." They all walked out the door and begin to chat as Luciana winds up the snow globe letting it play.

 "Wait till you see the Ball, it's so cool. Everyone's dancing and having so much fun, and they're getting tons of donations for the hospital." Luciana looked over to Smol "You think maybe I could give something? I have some allowance saved up." Smol looked over at her and she smiled "I think that would be amazing, Luciana." The door shut closed as the spirits in the snow globe came alive once more as they smiled together satisfied with their work.

Christmas Past: Merry Christmas Everyone! =D

Christmas Present: Merry Christmas~! ;)

Christmas Future: And a happy new year. =)

The End

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