Bah Hambug

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Adri finds Miyu sitting in his dressing room She closes the door behind her "Okay, seriously, Miyu, you can't..." Miyu doesn't make a move without talking to you." He mocked the words of everyone who spoke about his and Adri's close relationship as Adri just sighs "Miyu..." What, they all think I'm wrapped around your little finger? I'm the star." Adri protests in the kindest manner "You're asking them to give up Christmas. They have plans. I have plans." Bigger plans than my next show?" Adri nods "Yes. Luther and I are leaving town tomorrow and going home. My whole family will be there for Christmas dinner this year." Miyu sprays cologne on himself. "That hasn't happened since we were kids. You of all people should know how important that is to me." He just stared at her as if his patience is running short "You know what should be important to you? Me. When I was discovered, I could have had any costume designer in Mobius for my company, but I insisted on you, my oldest friend. I did that." I know you did, and..." And you don't care..." He rudely cuts her off "But I expect that. When push comes to shove, I know only one person who's truly there for me. Me. It's like what Sarah always said, "In a selfish world, the selfish succeed." Miyu powders his face as Adri stays strong in trying to change his mind. "It's not a selfish world, and do you really want to listen to what Sarah said?" Sarah was brilliant. If it weren't for her and the EXEs, I wouldn't be here right now, and neither would you... but if you can't appreciate that, maybe you shouldn't work here anymore." Adri just looked at him in shock from the minor threat from her own childhood friend. "Tell me you're not threatening to fire me?" I've seen you backstage sewing things that aren't for the show. I guess working at the top theater in Mobius isn't enough for you. You had to pick up something on the side." What? No! That's not what you think!" Adri tries to protest but Miyu wasn't phased at all. "Prove it, and show some dedication. Take down the trees, stop the carols, and get ready to work tonight, tomorrow, and all through the week! Anyone complains, anyone goes home, anyone breathes one word about Christmas, they're out! Including you."  Miyu walks to the door. "Does everyone understand?" "Miyu opens the door, knowing that the employees are eavesdropping. They all exclaim and groan as they fall on the floor because they were leaning on the door. "Yes. We... Understand." Hai." Talia says yes in Japanese. Miyu notices Adri Looking at him in disappointment. "What?" You have no idea how sad it makes me to see you like this. Merry Christmas, Miyu." I said not to mention that word. That is the last time I want to hear it!" Miyu slams the door after Adri leaves. He sits down again.  "Christmas? Bah, humbug!" Miyu's mean." 

Luciana spoke as the narration was cut off once again "Oh, you think so?" Adri asked "I guess he can come off as kind of mean, but..."No, he is mean!" Luciana outburst again as Adri just let it go since she's not one to be in arguments. "Okay, if that's how you see it. So, that night..." Wait!" She gets cut off by her daughter "It's just... you usually tell me stories about nice people. People who are good to everyone!" Luther walks over and gives headpats to his daughter "Well, that's true. Miyu's someone who's making a lot of mistakes. But sometimes we can learn from people who make mistakes, don't you think?" Luciana smiled a little as she started to recall some memories "Like when Mom left her shoes out in the kitchen and Thomas tripped over them! I learned not to do that!" Adri smiled "Exactly." Luciana laughs as she continues to recall more memories. "And When dad was carrying spaghetti and it went everywhere! All over the floor and on the walls..." Luther sweatdropped at the embarrassing moment "Uh-huh. I remember." And in your fur... And, remember, one piece hung right down in your snout! And when you breathed in, it almost went up your nose, and..." Okay, we remember! Can Mom get back to the story now? Thomas stopped her as he looked at her "I don't know. Maybe I'm not all done learning yet.." Luci..." Thomas stared at her Luciana laughs. "Okay, we can get back to the story." Adri smiles "Thank you. So, we rehearsed all that evening, and that night, while Miyu was asleep he doesn't know what was hidden in store for him..." 

Miyu was sleeping in his bedroom. A ghost floating with heavy objects attached to chains approaches Miyu's bed. They knock over a chair, which wakes up Miyu. "Oh. Oh! Who's there!" he looks around the room before he sees the ghost "Miyu..." he looks really close before it finally clicked "Sarah?" She smiled as he finally recognized her "Yes, my child. It is I." Sarah laughs. One of her chains gets caught on a coat stand, making Sarah fall to the floor. "Whoa!" Sarah groans "Don't just sit there gaping, child! Didn't I raise you with any manners? When your aunt's ghost comes to visit and gets tripped up in her chains, you help her!"Of course. I... I must've forgotten."  He walks over to help Sarah stand up. "Much better. Now, child, walk with me!" They travel together but a chain gets caught in a mirror. "Oh!" Miyu steadies the mirror. Sarah looks around. "Hm. Perhaps I'm better served to stand." He looked at his chains as he touched them "I think you'd have an easier time if you took off some of your jewelry." He picks up a chain. " No, Miyu, these chains don't ever come off. They're the chains me and the other exes formed in life. Chains of selfishness!" But you always said selfishness is good! "In a selfish world, the selfish succeed." Sarah felt touched as she felt a tear come down from her eye. "You still say that after all these years? I suppose I should be flattered." She laughs. "You really did care for me." Well, of course, Aunt Sarah. You raised me." He smiled "Like a true son, and you've become everything we've ever dreamed." Oh, thank you." He felt proud of appeasing his Aunt. "Which is terrible!" He fell out of his trance from the outburst. She grabbed his face and squished his cheeks "So tonight, I want you to change." You want me to what?" Change, child, change. And not just your pajamas... though with the money you make, you really could do so much better." Miyu scoffs. "I want you to change your life, Miyu. Forget everything we told you. It is not a selfish world. That was my excuse for not having the talent to become a star myself, but when I see what it did to you... When I see how wrong we were... I... we... Oh! Oh, Miyu! Oh!" She starts to cry crocodile tears as Miyu started to shake his head "no" in disbelief  "You're not Sarah. You're not even a ghost at all."  Not a ghost?! I am floating two feet off the freaking ground. How much ghostlier do you want me to be?" Miyu picks up an umbrella and begins swinging it over Sarah's head. Sarah dodges the umbrella. "Stop that! What are you doing?" Don't play dumb! I know your strings are holding you up!" Whoa!" She continues to just dodge his umbrella "Well, it's a good trick." He said as he finally stopped swinging it around Sarah felt offended "This is the last time I visit you from beyond, I can promise you that."The real Sarah would never say she was wrong. She and the other exes raised me perfectly to be a star." We raised you to be a perfectly selfish ninny!" Sarah shouted as Miyu backed off "But now, I have the chance to make it right. I'm sending you three spirits and someone special to help you on your journey tonight. Listen to them, Miyu. If you're lucky, they'll help you change your life before you end up like me and the other exes who lead you down the wrong path!" Sarah turns away about to leave as Miyu stealthy grabs a blanket ready to grab her. He tries to pounce on Sarah. He weighs down a chain, making Sarah fall down. "Whoa!" Sarah grunts as Miyu cover her in a blanket. Sarah struggles as Miyu keeps her pinned on the floor "And you can tell everyone who sent you here that they're all fired!" Miyu grunts as he pulls back the blanket. Sarah is gone, but only Hog was beneath it. "Hog? How did? But what happened to...Strange...." Miyu and Hog are on Miyu's bedroom floor. Miyu is thinking about his encounter with Sarah.

Miyu's Christmas CarolWhere stories live. Discover now