Emitt: The Spirit of Christmas Future

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Miyu and Hog are sleeping at home. While Miyu is sleeping, a hooded figure arrives and Hog wakes up and looks at him. He raised his finger to hush hog from saying anything yet. he casts magic on Miyu to wake him up as he noticed. The hooded figure revealed himself and took off his hood. Miyu recognized the red fennec fox very well "Emitt." Hello, Miyu." He greeted him. "Hello, Emitt. So you're the third spirit, aren't you?" He nodded to confirm. " Correct. The Spirit of Christmas Future." Miyu looked at his left hand as he was holding a key and wearing a gold marriage ring to confirm that he and Maria were married in the future "Are you ready to come with me?" Christmas Future asks as Miyu was feeling nervous about his future. "Mmm. I don't know. Will I like what I'm going to see?" You might not... but sometimes we need to face things that frighten us. It's how we grow." He takes Miyu's hand and Hog hesitates. He tries to walk away not wanting to see the Future but Christmas Future caught him. " No Hog, I think you should come, too." He turns to Miyu. "Ready?" Miyu hesitates but then he nodded readily to see his future. "Mmm-hmm. "Christmas future held out a key as he placed it in a keyhole of his bedroom door. Opening a portal. Miyu, Hog, and Christmas Future go into a portal. 

As they walk through the portal Miyu sees gaps in the portal and looked over to Christmas Future to find out why. "Why are there so many doors and holes Emitt?" The future isn't like the past. Every choice you make alters what will happen next, but as of this moment, we'll find your most likely future right here." He answered as they went through one of the gaps. The hole was cold and Miyu begins to shiver from it. Even Hog was starting to get cold as he hugged himself trying to create warmth from the cold realm "It's so cold. None of the other ones were cold like this. Plus you hate the cold that you could die from it" Christmas Future just looked back at him before he just continues walking. "Well, this future starts with a cold choice. After making everyone at the theater work, you found out we came in a few minutes late on Christmas day. So, you fired us all." Of course, I did. That's not a cold choice, it's a simple consequence. I warned you that would happen." Miyu says as it was common sense to him but Christmas Future was unphased by him "Oh, you did, yes. Unfortunately, our replacements didn't quite work out the way you'd hoped... " He laughs. "Like your Uncle Hypno."

Miyu, Hog, and Christmas Future enter a future peephole of  Station Square. Where they see Hypno trying to hypnotize Miyu. "... And when you hear the word "Brava," you'll cluck like a chicken." He clicks his fingers as Miyu just looked at him like nothing happen "See? I just can't be hypnotized. Good luck tonight, though Uncle." They transition to future Miyu finishing a performance and the audience saying "Brava!" future Miyu begins clucking like a chicken and Hog laughs. "And let's not forget Shinto and the other pokemon." Christmas Future says as they look at another peephole. The scene transitions to future Miyu performing. "O Christmas tree but Shinto and more pokemon disrupt the performance by Shinto being the creepy yellow gremlin she is. Hog continues to laugh as Miyu was just about had it with these holes "Enough Emitt! Even if all that happened, so what? I have a public, and they'd stand by me through anything." Christmas Future smirked "Good. If that's true, you have nothing to worry about in the future." Christmas Future takes Miyu and Hog into an abandoned room in Mobius. They looked around as the house warned out. Filled with holes and webs. Dust filled the air as the walls were moldy. "Oh, where's this?" Miyu cringed when he looked around the old room. Suddenly a rat squeaks and startles Miyu. he gasps. "Get back here!" Future Miyu chased the rat down. Miyu notices that future Miyu is in a dirty outfit like he hadn't taken a shower in years. "That's not... Is that me?" Miyu's eyes widened as he continued to look at this horrendous sight.  "Almost got you! Future Miyu shouts but fails to catch the rat as it escapes. "Ugh. Rats love to go in my fridge and grab some Christmas dinner." Miyu didn't like this image of him he is seeing. It's like he was living in his own nightmare "What is this? A joke? This can't be my future." He says as Christmas Future shrugs before he snapped his fingers and made a window open, and a flyer about future Adri sticks to the window. "Brr. Too cold." Future Miyu held himself to stay warm as he goes to close the window, and sees the flyer. "Oh. Adriana Artwright." he goes ahead and reads the flyer out loud "Adriana Artwright presents a new fashion line for spring. Come to her studio in Westopolis to see work from the premiere designer in all of Mobius." He sighs. "Adri. Well, I haven't seen her in... ages." Miyu was shocked when he heard this believing that his future self and Adri hadn't seen each other "What? You haven't seen her and she's a success? Go! She can help you. Adri Would never let you live like this." Future Miyu looks at the flyer to get the Address to her shop. "Westopolois... Mmm." he gasps as he realized one thing. "But she wouldn't be there today, it's Christmas. Still, what are the chances of this flyer sticking to my window? It's almost like some kind of sign." Miyu was getting excited about his future "It is a sign! You sent her the flyer, didn't you?" Mmm." Christmas Future shrugs as he smirked just enjoying Miyu's excitement "Do it! Go to the studio and see her." He says as his Future self puts on an old jacket "Time to visit an old friend."  Yes!" Miyu smiles "That's why you brought me here, isn't it? Oh! This is where everything turns around. I want to follow him." Are you sure?" Christmas Future raised an eyebrow wanting to confirm his final decision "Yeah, of course I'm sure. Let's not waste a second." Very well, then." Christmas Future placed the key in the abandoned keyhole and opened the door revealing a portal. He motioned Miyu to go in and He did not dare wanted to waste a second as He, Hod, and Christmas Future walked through to reach their next and possibly final destination.

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