Chapter 2 : We Just Clicked

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The next day, I met him again when the doorbell rang, and I answered the door, "You?" I gulped. He seemed just as confused, and I saw there was a box of what seemed like groceries with him. "What are you doing here?"

"I work here," he answered. "Why are you here?"


"Christopher." My grandma came to the door. Also. I knew it. I knew that Jack wasn't his name. It didn't even suit him.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Cardinal," he greeted her. "Here are your groceries. By the way, I put a jar of blueberry jam here that my mom made. Maybe you want to try."

"Oh! I would love to. It'll go perfectly with the cheesecake I'll be making," my grandma said to him. "I see you've met my granddaughter, Audrey. Honey, this is Christopher."

I saw his face when I looked at him while he gave me this blank stare, "We've met," he said.

"Christopher helps with the chores and groceries for us." My grandmother paid him. "How much is the jam?"

"It's free," he insisted. Wow, he was so nice. I didn't see a lot of that with the guys in my school.

"Nonsense. Here." My grandmother took out another extra cash for him. "Oh! I almost forgot I have something for you. Please wait here."

My grandmother went upstairs while I stayed with Christopher with this heavy awkwardness between us. I didn't know what to do or say, though, "So how long have you worked with my grandparents?" I stupidly asked because it got even more awkward.

"Since last year, Audrey," he responded dryly even after he said my name. Yup, he was pissed and I couldn't blame him.

"Sorry, It's... it's just that being here for the first time, and I wanna make sure that you're not a creep," I babbled, then he gave me a light scowl. "But clearly, you're not."

"No, it's cool. I get it."

"Okay, but believe it or not, Pepsi is sort of my nickname back when I was a little girl, that is. Long story."

"Ah..." He nodded in acknowledgment.

"So why'd you come up with Jack?"

"Jack, like Jack Daniels."

I giggled at that. "I guess now I should call you Christopher or Chris?"

"Topher," he told me.

"Topher?" I tried not to chuckle, but I failed.

"Don't wear it out. Anyway, if you want to go around town, I can tour you."

"Sure, I like that."

All of a sudden, my grandmother came with two big paper bags with her and then gave them to Topher. "Here, a Christmas gift for you and your parents."

I saw his face lit up, "Wow! thanks, Mrs. Cardinal," he said with a big smile on his face. They hugged each other like they were family. I think it was sweet. Once they pulled away from one another, he turned to me. "Bye, Pepsi," he winked at me, then went to his black Vespa scooter with the paper bags with him.

Grandma raised her brow at me, "Am I missing something?" she questioned me.

"Uhm... no," I said in a sheepish tone.


You heard of Summer Love? Well, that was Winter Love.

During my time in Barcon, I noticed that the city was a mixture of urban and rural areas. The tall buildings, and lots of resorts. Topher showed me around town with his Vespa scooter by putting my arms around his waist which made me feel like I was Princess Ann in Roman Holiday.

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