Chapter 4 : Adulting Together

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About a year later, I remember I went to my grandparents for lunch to find quite surprising news from them that led me to a great business plan, "Audrey, how is everything in school?" my grandmother asked.

"It's great, just one more year left," I answered.

"That's wonderful."

"Any plans after graduation?" My grandfather jumped in.

Of course, I didn't know it that time, "uhm... I'm not sure yet," I replied. "But I am thinking about working in West Durnam as an administrator."

"But what about being a fashion photographer?"

My grandparents were one of those generations in the family who didn't have to work because their parents were so rich. Although they did work, just not as hard as some people thought, and after my mother graduated high school, they retired early. "Grandpa, I just need to find work first, that's all, and then pursue my photography dream," I explained.

"Ah, sounds like a good plan," he replied.

"At least I'll be staying longer with you guys," I expressed, then I noticed that they were exchanging glances with one another. "What? what's with the eyes and the face?"

"We should tell her," my grandpa told Grandma, and it sounded serious.

"Tell me what? Oh no, did something happen?" I got worried. "Are you sick, grandma? Does Mom know? You've been getting a lot more tired lately..."

"No, no, no, I'm fine, we're both fine," Grandma chuckled at my reaction, but then she got serious. "It's just that..."

"What is it?"

"Your grandfather and I are planning to move out from here."

I was stunned. "From this house?"

"From Barcon," she clarified.

"From Barcon?" I stammered from shock. "Why?"

"Well, the cold is not doing us good here, so we want to move somewhere warm. That's just two hours from here."

"But what about this house?"

"Well, we're thinking of selling it," Grandpa answered.

"You're gonna sell this house?" I gasped.

"Sweetie, it's not easy on us too. The memories we made here and your mother love this house too, but she has no plan on settling here. I know you and your brother just came here to visit us, that's why we talked about it long and hard and this is our decision."

I was crushed, and they knew. Admittedly, they were right. I mean, I love the house, but it's not like I want to live in it, too. It's just that the sentimental part of me didn't want to let it go.


Then came finals month. Everyone was crazy busy, even me and Topher, that we barely saw each other.

One day, I came into my dorm room and saw Emmy brainstorming as she stared at her laptop, her finals was making a fashion campaign of her creation and of course, I'm her photographer for that but she had one problem to figure out. "Ugh..." she grunted.

"You okay? What's up?" I asked.

"I just can't find a location where we should do the shoot. All the studios I wanted are fully booked, and I can't afford the rates for the others."

"Okay, chill. Take a break first."

"Look at this, lovely." She showed me her mood board for the campaign. "I need a place that's like a castle. I want something that says high fashion. You know, like this."

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