Chapter 9 : I Saw Him Again

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My booking for Loveday Inn was confirmed. I remember being excited about it, but I had to wait for a couple of days for some guests to check out because they were staying in my room.

I started packing my bags, and while doing that, my mom was in my case once again via video call. "You are going to stay at an inn?" She asked.

"Yes, Mom," I said to her while folding my clothes properly.

"If you want a different environment? Why not move back here with me, or... Oh! I have this seminar in England, you can go there with me?"

"Because I want to go to work. I won't be able to do that if I'm in the city or England."

"Alright," She sighed like she was throwing in the towels. "But please, visit me one of these days."

"I will, Mom. I'll just finish packing. Bye, Mom. Love you." Then I gave her a flying kiss as she ended the call.

Gosh, I wish I did do that instead of staying in the Loveday Inn. It was a good idea at that time to just stay somewhere within Barcon and still do my job as a photographer in my own studio.

The next morning, I went to work and continued helping my fellow photographers with editing since they were in the middle of a shoot. All of a sudden, I heard someone entering through the front door.

"Hello, my Lovelies!" It was Emmy.

"Hi! Emmy," Mav said.

"Hey, Emmy," I greeted

She noticed me sitting by the front desk with Mav. "Pepsi, you're here. I didn't know you were back at work. How are you?"

Here we go again. "I'm fine. So what brings you here?" I asked her.

"Oh, I have a magazine cover to shoot," Emmy answered. "But since you're here, can you be the one doing the shoot? Pweeesh...." She even had these puppy dog eyes to convince me.

"I would, but I'm helping Mav with editing."

"No, that's okay, Pepsi," My front-desk person interrupted. "You've done enough anyway. You can do the shoot if you want to."

"I'll do it. Let me just get my camera."

My old college roommate had assistance working with her as they set up the light, and the models had to have their hair and make-up done. I helped Emmy steam the clothes that were going to be used for the shoot.

"You know, lovely, I'm glad that you're okay now," she expressed to me.

"Me too," I sighed to him.

"You need the fresh air, but you still have to take it easy on yourself."

"I know, I just can't stand being in the house and curling up on the sofa. Which reminds me, I'm staying at this inn on the north side of Barcon."

Emmy became surprised. "Loveday Inn?"

"Yup, that," I confirmed.

"I heard about it. One of my interior designer friend's family owned that place. I haven't been there, but I heard it's nice and fun."

"I can't wait to be there. Anything to get away from my house."

About a little later, I began taking pictures. Good thing I got my instincts because I was afraid of being rusty during my grieving period. However, I was able to forget my sadness when I was clicking away.

Once we were done, we had lunch together, and we usually did it in the dining area of the studio since it was a house. Imagine five people eating lunch in the banquette hall.

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