Chapter 14 : Lilac Wine With A Gloss

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We stayed and talk in La Geole cafe for two hours. I got to know him during those times. I mean, we got to know each other. "Don't get me wrong?" Roy asked. "Why do you like staying in Barcon?"

"My fiance," I answered.


"... And I like the simple life here and most of the people here are friendly here. I dreamt of staying ever since I was fifteen when my family and I spent our Christmas here. Which by the way, you should come here on ber-months because it's like Santa town here."

Roy seemed to be interested. "Absolutely."

"So can I ask you something? How did you become a travel blogger?" I asked him.

"It's sort of a long story."

"We got time."

"My dad is a scientist," he mentioned. "Geoscientist to be exact in Yale."

"Oh, wow! That's so cool," I expressed. "Is he like a professor there too?"

"Yes, he teach," Roy replied. "Imagine being his graduate student and he was your professor in class."

I became surprised. "You went to Yale?"

I never cared about these ivy leagues, yet I am still impress when other people got in. To be honest, my old guidance counselor said that I was a Harvard and Yale material. Not that it mattered though.

Most of my classmates in high school studied there, and now some of them became lawyer, or taking over family business. 

Okay, going back to the subject at hand.

"Yeah, full-scholarship and I earned it," Roy continued. "I graduated in BA History. Anyway, he travels for research and I came along. I didn't join any research, just the travel part."

"Ah, got it."

"I always companied him ever since I was a kid that I had to be home-schooled. Growing up, it had always been me and him. I was sixteen when I started the blog because I got bored of what to do in my free time. That was when an online friend of mine, Don, who was also home-schooled, suggests I should start a blog because I travel a lot."

"Well, he's not wrong," I remarked.

"Yeah, I owe him a lot. Now, he does documentaries about wildlife."

"Now that's interesting."

"He introduce me to Wordpress, and so I started writing about places I went that had a story behind it. My first one was Machu Pichu. Lucky for me, I had easy access to explore inside. As long as I don't use any of my dad's research."

The rest of the night, he talked about some of the other places he went, until it was time to go since it was kind of late, we thanked the baristas. They put on a crooked, a forced farewell waved at us, and said their goodbyes like a creepy robot. I couldn't blame them for getting creeped by a guy that looked like my dead fiance.

Later, we returned to the inn and walked together inside, then went upstairs to get to our rooms. "Thanks for tonight," he said to me with a sweet smile on his face.

"Don't mention it," I replied to him while I unlock the door.

"Well, uhm... Goodnight."


After that, I went inside. I remember feeling so happy because I could not stop grinning the whole night from getting to know this person. I had to admit, it was the best night of my life.

Roy was just so passionate and carefree. Moreover, he was adventurous. Something I admired about a person. That was what attracted me to Topher because he was like that.

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