Chapter 15 : It Was Game Night

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It felt like I had forgotten what it was like to shop. I loved shopping, and I became sort addicted to it one time when Topher was away at a work trip. My business was going well that I rewarded myself every pay time.

It got bad that I could not pay the bills and had to borrow some money from my mom. Topher got mad at me that I spent so much. That was when I stopped and just shop when necessary.

Anyway, I was done purchasing for my new things. I was so happy with the new makeup I bought that I had to redo it. I just dabbed them on my finger, then applied them on my eyelids, on my temple of my cheeks and my lips.

When I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked different. Good different. I admit, I was nervous that I chose the wrong color, but it actually looked good on me.

It was almost lunch time so, I went to an area where there were food trucks around, so I left my shopping bags on a table, then chose what food I wanted to eat.

It was very cold so I wanted to choose a food that could warm my body temperature. I remember things if I should have something spicey or just warm.

I scanned each food truck and their menus too see what could make my mouth water. I even had my thinking face on.

"Hey! Lovely!" Emmy popped up from behind that she startled me.

"Emmy!" I gasped, then we hugged like we haven't seen each other for a while. "Where'd you come from?"

"I had to get some outfits for a photoshoot from a shop, then I saw you from over there and couldn't help to surprise you. What are you doing here?" That was when she saw my face. "Oh, wow! Is that a knew makeup look."

I blushed. "Yeah... ran out of eyeshadow and decided to do some shopping."

"You could've told me that you're going shopping, but that's okay, it looks great on you. I love it."


"So are you gonna get some lunch?" she asked me.

"Yeah, I'm kinda hungry," I said to her.

"Me too. Come on, let's have lunch together."


We looked around to see what we wanted for about five minutes, then all of a sudden, "Emmy! Pepsi! Hey!" someone called out to us. We looked around saw our old friend, cleaning a table in front of their food truck.

"Wade!" I waved back. Remember Wade? He had a girlfriend named Mira who I thought was dating Topher and they wanted to 'fix things', but apparently, she was talking about her and Wade?

I usually remember all of things, but I had forgotten that they had a food truck. Wade went to West Durnam too. He actually graduated in BA Marketing and used to work in a company in Singapore, but he found his passion in the food business instead after eating their food. Also, Wade and Mira got married three years ago, and they just had a baby girl.

So Emmy and I walked to his food truck, then I hugged him. "Nice seeing you again," he said to me.

"You too. I have been so busy," I replied. "How are you?"

"I'm good. I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?"

"I'm doing great."

"I'm glad. By the way, you look great," he added.

"I know, right?" Emmy giggled. "Maybe we should eat here."

"Good idea," I agreed.

"Okay, you guys can sit here." Wade showed us to our table and gave us a menu.

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