Chapter 11 : But With Glasses

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Seeing that stranger right in front of me and I just stood there frozen in utter shock like I did on that blueberry farm. "Roy," He began speaking to me to correct me.

I immediately got back to reality, and I remember blinking so much to make sure that I was seeing him correctly. I was even more stunned that he was this Roy guy, the travel blogger on Instagram that people were talking about.

"Oh, sorry, I was just..." I stuttered. I mean, come on, that dude looked so much like Topher. "Nevermind, sorry."

"No problem," He told me, though he weirdly gazed at me, especially at Ms. Regis. Damn, he even had that same facial expression as Topher's.

It was so awkward that I decided to leave before it got any more awkward than it already was. "Uhm... excuse me," I mumbled and just went up the stairs. I bet they found my behavior very strange back there.

I felt so embarrassed. Actually, I was feeling more than that all at the same time. Shock, confusion, and sadness were not a good combination. When I got to my room, I just broke down the moment I closed the door.

That face of his made me miss Topher all over again.

It was funny, you know, I was in the inn to get over Topher, but then it just became impossible to do that when his look-alike was staying in the same inn as I was.

I managed to process everything while tears were still pouring down my cheeks for several minutes.

I remember thinking, "Why am I crying?" I asked myself. "That's not Topher just because he's a spitting image of him."

So I took a deep breath to fix myself since I still had to go out to eat. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face.

Eventually, I went down to get to the dining area. It was not as packed as the previous night. There were customers around and there was...him sitting alone staring at his phone while waiting for his food to come.

Since he was distracted, I had to find a table that made me not look at him. Luckily, I did. I dashed to it before anyone could get it and sat on a chair that was facing the wall.

After ordering my food, I couldn't help but leer at him for just a teenie weenie bit. I subtly turned my body towards him. Boy, was he good-looking. Aside from being a look-alike, he wore these round wire-rim glasses.

If it looked great on him, then it would look great on Topher. Buh dum tss...

Joke aside, it was torture. I wasn't supposed to think of my fiance.

His food came and took a picture of it with his phone. Probably, it was for his blog on Instagram.

He happened to look up, and I quickly turned away. I wondered if he noticed that I was gawking at him like a creep.

Ugh... I felt like an idiot.

I argued with myself once again. "That is not Topher. That is not Topher. That is not Topher. So stop looking at him," I muttered.

I bent down and pounded my head lightly with my fist thinking that it could help me stop dwelling over it. However, that itself made me look insane. "Uhm... Pepsi," Barry called out to me. "What are you doing?"

Yeah, I definitely seem crazy that time. I stopped and darted to him as he oddly gazed at me after what I did while carrying a tray of the food that I ordered.

"Uhm... nothing," I stammered trying to act that everything was okay. Obviously, I failed. "I'm just stressed, that's all."

"Okay. By the way, here's your food." He placed the tray right in front of me. "Enjoy."

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