Chapter 6 : Wedding Dress Story

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We told our family the good news. I remember their reaction. I saw the light in their eyes and how their mouth dropped to the ground in utter disbelief that Topher and I were engaged. The first person I told was my mother, I wanted her to know first, so I went to her apartment on the weekends, and it was cold, so I had my gloves on with my engagement ring inside.

Before the revelation, my mom was making warm coffee for me in the kitchen, and I saw a framed picture of my father in the living room. I held it and talked to him in my mind, "Hi, Dad, I'm going to marry the love of my life. I wish you were here to meet him and walk me down the aisle at my wedding. I hope wherever you are, you are happy to know that I'm gonna be married," I said to my father inside my head.

My mother appeared right after, so I had to put the frame down and then sat down on the couch with her, "So nice of you to visit me. How's everything in Barcon?" she asked once she handed me a hot cup of coffee and pretzel while we waited for the roast chicken to be cooked in the oven.

"Everything is fine, my business is great, and we finally got the vegetable garden that we wanted," I answered playfully.

"That's great, how's Christopher?"

"He's okay. He's in Paris right now.  He'll be back for two months."

"Oh, wow, that's long," my mother expressed. "Tell him to buy me an old postcard."

"I will," I responded, and something in my face that she funnily looked at me.

"Is there something else?"

And that was my cue to tell her, "Nope, just... you know what, it's starting to get warm here, I should take these off now." I took off my gloves and then showed her the ring.

My mother gasped her mouth dropped, and her eyes could almost be coming out of its socket when she got a glimpse of my pink diamond engagement ring. "Oh my God! Is that...?"

"YES!" I squealed.

"Oh my! Audrey!!" She hugged me so tight that I couldn't breathe, but I didn't care. We were very happy. "It's about time."

"I know." Then I glanced at my ring.

"OH! There's a bottle of wine in the kitchen. Let's celebrate after dinner," my mom suggested. After that, she got so excited that she was throwing wedding ideas at me. "Where's the wedding gonna be? Oh! Do you remember my friend who's a designer? He made this gorgeous wedding dress with Swarovski crystals.  Oh! This is a chance for Ada to be a flower girl to her favorite aunt and soon-to-be uncle."

Mom just kept talking, and I remember feeling very overwhelmed by all the ideas that she threw at me. "Mom. Mom." I stopped her. "I'm not gonna have any of those."


"Topher and I are just gonna have a court wedding."

She looked surprised. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Mom. I'm sorry that Ada won't be the flower girl. Besides, it's not like Dad can walk me down the aisle."

"Oh, Honey." She embraced me again. I could tell that she looked disappointed, but at the same time, she understood that that was how I liked it. "It's alright. Just tell me what you need."

"Thanks, Mom." I smiled at her. The whole night we just talked about what I wanted for my wedding.


The next morning, I went back to Barcon, and the first thing I did was to schedule my save-the-date wedding in the city hall and pay some fee for it. I remember the feeling of applying for the journalism club, applying for college, applying for a job in the bookstore, and applying for a business permit for my studio, but this felt like it was the best thing. I signed up to be married to the love of my life.

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