Chapter 17 : He Looked Like Timothee

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You know what, that was my fault anyway. It was karma for me.


Few years ago, when Jo was dating a guy she met online, we all teased her about it and became nosey to see what he was like.

There was another time when Linus met a guy and me and the girls were swarming him loads of questions.

I had to see that coming. Especially, when Emmy could read me like a book when it comes to guys.

I'd be lying if I say that I wasn't... infatuated with Roy.

No, it was not because he looked like Topher, but it was the kind the person he was that I like about him. He was adventurous, smart, and kind.

Anyway, let's get back to the problem at hand.

So where were we? Oh! Right, my friends found out about Roy and they were stunned to see a stranger with a familiar face.

I remember Emmy walked towards us saying, "Oh, wow, he looks just like..." she uttered.

"Timothee Chalamet?" I interrupeted, signaling her and the others to play along. "Right? He does look a lot like Timothee Chalamet?"

As stupid as I sound that time, I was lucky that they all went with it. "Yeah... He does," Emmy stammered.

I could tell Roy was finding it all odd. "That's the first time I hear that," he chuckled nervously.

"Hold up," Linus interjected. "You're Roy? Like TravelRoy?"

"Yeah, that's my instagram account."

"Really? I followed you."

"Oh, cool, and your name is?" Roy asked, feeling flattered to meet a follower of his.

"I'm Linus. Do you wanna come inside?"

I turned my head towards Linus in just a blink of an eye and glared at him to take his invite back. I wished the ground would just open and take me away.

Roy lifted a brow after what I said to him earlier, "I would, but maybe some other time," he replied.

"Oh! Why? Do you have somewhere else to be?" Emmy asked. "I just thought since you travel and blog."

"Not really, Pepsi said that you guys are busy with photoshoots. I don't want to be in the way."

Linus and Emmy slowly had their eyes on me since they knew that I was trying to hide Roy from them. "Well, we only have two clients to work with for today, you won't be on the way," Linus assured him.

I had no choice, but to go with it. So, I pretended to be okay about it. "I just thought since the campaign is a rush and all, you just want to focus on working," I reminded Linus.

"No, it's fine with me. Besides, I am a fan of TravelRoy."

"And it's almost lunch time." Emmy grabbed Roy's hand and pulled him to my studio. "Come on. I made cream salmon for everyone and I'm sure it's enough for one more mouth to feed. By the way, I'm Emmy."

As they welcomed Roy in my studio, Mav and Jo introduced themselves to him. Before I went inside with them, I was wishing that none of that did not happen at all.

You know the movie, "We're The Millers" and this character, Scotty P, had a tattoo on his chest saying: Ragrets. After that, the main character, David, asked, "You have no regrets? No even a single letter?"?

Back then, I laughed so hard at that scene. Though that time, I had ragrets with a single letter.

So Roy entered my place of business, and his reaction was just as astounded as he was in La Geole. I could see that light in his eyes being so amazed by just standing in the main entrance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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