Chapter 12 : I Was Being Nice

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I remember the time when I accidentally walked in on my brother's make-out sesh in the living room with this one girl back in high school and it was awkward that I never thought we could move on from that.

Yet, there I was, sitting with that look-alike at the same table, and I thought which one was more awkward?

If anyone I know happened to see me, it seemed like I was sitting with Topher.

No, I was not with Topher.

I was with a stranger who just looked like him, staying in one inn, and that night, we were both hungry, but the restaurant was full, so we had to share a table for the night.

After ordering our food, we were both quiet. I wasn't sure about him, but I was playing CatMart on my phone to pass the time.

"So how long are you staying in the inn?" He asked me all of a sudden.

Of course, I could not ignore him, so I had to put my phone away because I was not a rude person. "About a month," I answered.

This guy was taken aback. "Wow, same."

"Oh... What are the odds, huh?"

"Yeah... since we're here. I'm Roy, by the way," He introduced himself. "Roy Arias."

"I remember. You told me that the other day," I began rambling since looking at his face made my mouth not function correctly. "Ahem... Anyway, I'm Pepsi."

I blurted from that last part. Most times, I am called Pepsi. The name, Audrey, was way behind me, ever since the first day I moved to Barcon. Also, my photographer peers know me as Pepsi.

"Cool name," He remarked.

"Thanks, it's a nickname, actually."

"You look familiar," Roy remarked and gazed at me like he was studying my face. "Have we met before?"

I weirdly glanced at him. Probably it sounded so weird because it came from him. So I shook my head. "I don't think so."

"Sorry, never mind."

"Ahem... you're here for vacation or something?" I asked him.

"Kinda, I'm here for work too. I'm a travel blogger. So my perks are to get paid for traveling and writing about it on Instagram."

Hate to admit it, but Linus was right. That guy did have some similarities to Topher. "I heard about you from a friend of mine. That's interesting. So do you choose the places you want to go and write about it?"

"Yup, my cousin told me about Barcon when she stayed in this inn with her friends for her birthday last year," Roy explained.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Boston. You?"

"I live here and I have a business here too, but I'm from the city just seven hours of train ride from here," I said to him somehow I found myself being comfortable with him like he was just a new friend that I met.

"Now I live in Bali," He added.

"Nice, I went there before with my fiance," I blurted like it was word vomit. "Great beaches."

Roy became stunned. "Oh! You're engaged?"

"Uhm... Yup." I had my head down and smiled a little.

"I didn't see a ring. Not... That it's significant," He stuttered, feeling like he was being too nosy. "Anyway, congratulations. So... Where is he tonight?"

I got tongue-tied as he began wondering about my fiance and why he was not with me that evening. "He's... uhm... Not here..."

"Not here, like he's out of town, or...?"

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