Chapter 21

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"You tracked me to get to my friends, didn't you?" Tails murmured the sound of his voice echoing "bingo! it took you long enough and i thought you were a genius, i was worried that you would notice but i guess i was wrong" Eggman came closer just to see the look of horror on the young foxes face it amused him so much he started laughing once more
"Just face it your nothing without that blue rat and friends of yours"

Tails heart ached he wanted to deny it but he couldn't bring himself to tails clenched his chest feeling an overwhelming feeling, 'not right now' tails thought 'not here' his eyes started to burn, becoming noticeably glossy Eggman was right he is supposed to be the smart one it was such an obvious trap yet he still ended up leading the danger straight to his friends

It was his fault. All his fault. 'This always happens why cant i do anything right i just wanted to help'

"And who said you didn't" a voice in tails head said 'what?' "You did help, sure Eggman used you to get to your friends, but no one could have known dont blame yourself" 'dont blame yourself' those words kept echoing in his head 'dont blame yourself' it reminded him of old times sonic used to tell him that a lot so many times he cant even remember. Tails chuckled wiping away the tears yet to fall from his eyes, he still felt a little guilty deep down but the voice was right he won't always know exactly whats going to happen and whats in the past is in the past

After a while Eggman had gotten bored and started ordering around his robots Eggman saw something wiggling around in his perpendicular vision he looked up from his screen to see the fox moving around "hah you think you can just wiggle your way out, i made that it's practically bullet proof" Eggman cackled "maybe, but.." tails pulled out a remote like instrument from one of his bunched up tails having the tip of the small think pointed directly at the net "can it sustain three gigajoules of death-ray, is the real question"   Eggman narrowed his eyes

Tails pressed one button and the room lit up for a second, once the light died down all that was seen was dust scattered on the ground and a two tailed fox that pointed the laser straight towards the human "and i thought you were smart too Eggman, you should never underestimate someone even when you think you won" tails said with confidence "i know i won, and i also know you could never press that button on a living being not even on me"

"Your right i wouldn't even shoot you with this.." tails said who would shoot the hovering vehicle but that would just conclude in hurting the one in it in the process so he lowered the deadly weapon. Eggman smiled wide, it was immediately replaced with a frown when tails tolled into a ball in realization the doctor moved his Eggmobile out of the way causing tails to spin into the wall behind the evil genus but he didn't stop tails just continued to spin off and on walls charging toward Eggman not planing on stopping until he hit his target, leaving dents were he spun at Eggman tried to retreat but that was the fall of him tails took this as an opportunity and hit the back of the floating vehicle

Causing it to spin around uncontrollably until it bumped into a nearby wall getting back its lost balance Eggman gritted his teeth slamming down on a button the sides of the vehicle opened revealing three missiles on each side 'six in total, piece of cake' Tails smirked as a sweat drop rolled down the side of his face

He rolled into a ball again barely jumping out of the way of the first missile 'okay maybe not' tails thought as he was practically blown off his feet from the after blast

Too bad Eggman didn't give him much of a breather and shot the second one he rolled into a ball again, he had seen his brother do this plenty of times if he could do it then tails could, right?
He jumped up using the missile to boost himself to hit the doctor again but failed once the doctor caught onto what he was doing and moved out the way once more, but he kept up with the same tactic but making it a little different to throw the doctor off

Eggman shot again tails ran away from it and at the last moment he deflected it cupping it his tails and with a swift movement almost elegantly darting the missile right back at the egg carrier and once again it got knocked back into a wall Eggman grinned his teeth slamming his fist down on a different button this time a swarm of bee bots came out from the carrier and bug bots marched into the room, tails panicked but tried to keep himself calm "I've been holding back on you since you're just a little sidekick, but i guess i should take you a little bit more seriously" Eggman said before sending his robots charging into battle against an 8yo.

Tails swept the bug bots away from him with his namesakes dodging all attacks from the bee bots and when a few of the them got too close tails would fly in the air and downward kicked the bot into the ground and if tails was lucky it didn't get back up, though the kicks left a stinging sensation to his leg but left it ignored after breaking what felt like the 9th robot tails landed back to the ground sharp pains coursed through his body tails yelped painfully trying to stand up but was knocked to the ground by one of the bug bots thats when tails realized he was cornered he couldn't even fly up if he wanted to, bee bots already taking aim for their target making sure to block any way of exit.

The little fox whimpered hugging his tails for support, 'i should have just listened to knuckles' tails thought as the light of the lasers burned brighter-


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