LAYLA . undisturbed naps

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UNDISTURBED NAPS ... Layla x GN!Reader

 Layla x GN!Reader

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SYNOPSIS ... In which you keep finding a napping figure everywhere you go.

NOTES ... A very very late happy birthday to Layla :sob: anyways i'm back sorry for the long delay i was emo but hey i hope you like layla because i like her too :)

CONTENTS ... college/university au, fluff for layla <3, supposedly female reader but not that it really makes much of a difference because pronouns aren't really used (other than you/yours)


"Hey Y/n, you don't wanna join us outside?" You turned your head towards the figure behind you who asked the question. Currently, you are at your friend's house, having started a party that nearly invited half of the entire college population to the campus.

"I'm just gonna take a bathroom break, I'll catch up to you guys in a while." You promptly replied, offering a smile of consideration before making your way upstairs to find a vacant and safe place.

You were known to be quite a social butterfly, but you would be lying if you said these sort of parties don't overwhelm you sometimes, even just by a tiny bit. You finally found the bathroom door in the upstairs, but before turning the doorknob, your thoughts clouded with the thought of probably interrupting a pair of people while they're possibly making out.

That was one other thing you had to worry about parties. It would be dead awkward if you just barged into the room unknowingly and suddenly disturbed a couple trying to have some time for themselves.

You've done it once accidentally, and to be frank, you never want to have a second time with that sort of experience ever again. Instead, you carefully placed your ear to rest by the door, ignoring the loud music blasting downstairs in hopes to hear a sign that somebody might be using the bathroom for other stuff.

Although this time, you barely heard anything else... maybe it is safe to go in. The door knob wasn't locked (but it's not like people lock it whenever they make out inside), so you willingly let yourself in, sighing in relief when spotting the bathroom was empty.

You made your way towards the mirror, sighing as you stared into your own reflection. You'd say you enjoy accompanying others in social events, but this week has been filled with nothing but socializing here, socializing there...

You were tired.

As you splashed cold water into your face to keep you awake, you heard a small groan from behind the bathtub curtains as you were patting your face dry. You stiffened, did your ears fail you yet again and happened to not notice anyone in the room?

Ah, it would be awkward if another couple were actually doing some stuff behind the curtains, you'd rather not stay longer to see.

But something bugs your brain that it probably isn't the case. What if someone blacked out and needed assistance? It would be rude to just leave them there.

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