NEUVILLETTE . wedding day

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WEDDING DAY ... Neuvillette x Fem!Reader

 Neuvillette x Fem!Reader

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SYNOPSIS ... Neuvillette starts to learn more about wedding ceremonies all because of you

NOTES ... ahahahahahah

CONTENTS ... sfw , angst , reader is referred to as bride , lack of dialogues


Neuvillette doesn't know much when it comes to wedding customs.

Throughout the past years he remained in Fontaine as the Chief Justice, he had never attended a ceremony wherein people vow their amour for the one whom they devote their love to. It wasn't like he never received an invitation for an occasion as such, he just never had the time nor the knowledge on how to.

The closest Neuvillette got to a marriage was a few that regarded an offensive case that he had come upon to adjudge in court. Not really a flattering way to introduce the concept to him.

But ever since you've been engaged, Neuvillette always found himself ogling at the perfectly sized ring around your finger. How can he not? It always glistened so beautifully underneath any light's dazing glare, it was hard not to look at it when you were the one now in possession of it. Neuvillette always feels a sense of wistfulness whenever his eyes catch it, a poignant smile following after.

He is truly happy, he tells himself that.

The engagement was an open window of opportunity for Neuvillette to learn more about this custom, no longer looking at it from the perspective of crimes and judgment, but more on a sentimental view.

Neuvillette knows weddings are a big deal, especially in a city filled with romantic concepts of culture and history. From the charmingly expensive wedding closet, to the tasteful selection of cookery that was specifically made for such a matter, it was something the people of Fontaine always enjoyed preparing for.

Expectedly, many people will also attend. Not only your friends and family, but most likely some people who have worked in the Palais Mermonia with Neuvillette. You and him have known each other for a long time, the people were curious how a wedding with the Chief Justice's aide will turn out. For what sounded like a mere canard, it started to become true.

Then Neuvillette caught you while you were carefully folding shut an envelope in your hands, soon sharing it to the melusines just outside of his office. The wedding was one of the things that stayed in the melusines' mind throughout the week. He can't help but smile at your gesture, welcoming the melusines he cares for, he didn't even need to tell you about it. The friendly bunch always expressed their excitement whenever they would pass by Neuvillette.

Then one of them gave him the envelope you made, his eyes carefully scattering over the soft trails of elegantly trailed ink once the paper inside had been unfolded. It was kept simple yet opulent, something Neuvillette realized that he really liked. He wonders if you made it specifically for his own preference, likely not, perhaps it was just the standard way of arranging an invitation for wedding ceremonies; Neuvillette didn't know.

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