CYNO . lovestruck

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LOVESTRUCK ... Cyno x Fem!Reader

 Cyno x Fem!Reader

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SYNOPSIS ... Cyno being a cymp... (haha get it? It's an actual term for the cyno community—) with a special guest.

NOTES ... Cyno craving

CONTENTS ... fluff, female reader, modern au, a brief mention of college au, a very special guest ehe, some crack, profanity, suggestive mentions, OOC Cyno (but let's face it, everyone is OOC if you're writing a reader insert fanfic about them so...), Cyno is smitten for you and it shows... clearly


Cyno loves to spend his time experiencing simple sweet gestures with you.

Be it simple talks during nights when the two of you should be fast asleep, a stroll together down the calming park amidst the warm colors of the afternoon, or sweet moments you two share after having woken up in the morning.

Moreover, Cyno loves to take his time to appreciate you and your own beauty. Like that one time when you would come to him and start gushing about something you were truly passionate about.

Cyno wouldn't dare to break you out of the state of euphoria whenever you would talk to him about something you deeply cherish, because let's be honest, if someone were to make you feel stupid for something you love then you are a terrible person (totally not something personal hahaha—)

But luckily for you, Cyno isn't that type of person.

Instead, he's the type of person who just suddenly forgets everything around him and focuses all of his attention on you, as if you were the only thing that mattered in his world (which kind of is for him).

The way your eyes would light up never goes unnoticed by this man. He would always catch on at the simplest detail about you, and the thing is— he would forever remember that.

Don't let anyone ask Cyno about you, he wouldn't stop talking.

And your smile? Oh that damn smile of yours. Call him extra, but seeing your smile everyday is a necessity for him. He feels that if he doesn't get to see a single expression of happiness from you, it'll ruin his entire day— maybe even weeks or months.

Seeing a simple smile of yours, be it a timid one, a prideful one or even a lustful one, it's more than enough to compensate for his shitty day.

And oh how he loves to get a reaction from you.

You know how some other people would purposely add too much salt on a spoonful of soup they got from the pot and feed it to their partner as a "taste test" to see their reactions? Yeah Cyno does that.

He would try so hard to bite back a grin as you fight the urge to stick your tongue out at how salty it was. Cyno knew you can sometimes have a big heart, big enough to not criticize him at his uses of salt.

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