Chapter 2

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When she was lying in her bed she think about how many things just happened before one year.

Flashback one year:
Naruto is working in his office. When one black ops Ninja came to his office.
"Lord seven",BO ninja said while bowing infront of Naruto.

"What are doing here,if i remember correctly i placed you after my family so that they will remain safe", Naruto said to him suspiciously.

"I know my lord but...",ninja then stoped.

"What is it?", Naruto asked worriedly.

"As you know my lord that lady hinata left house with lady himawari, to stay at hyuuga mension but they are found somewhere else",ninja said while looking down at floor.

"What are you saying?",Naruto asked with worried look.

Ninja then handed him photo of hinata and sasuke.

When Naruto looks at picture his all world is fallen apart. He is unable to speak anything.

"Lord hokage!are you alright?",ninja said while approaching Naruto.

Then Naruto said while calming himself,"i order you that this information is not go outside,is that understood",
"Yes lord seven",ninja said.

"Now you can go", Naruto said to ninja.
Ninja bowed and then disappear.

Naruto is just standing there in shock and just then Sakura came in office and she see that Naruto is already in shock which give her hint that he already knows.

"Naruto",Sakura said while crying and then came close to him.

Naruto hugged her and start crying very hard.

While she see that she start crying more then Kakashi came.

"What's going on?",Kakashi asked to both of them.

Then they calmed down and tell while story to him.

Kakashi said to both to go home and he can handle this hokage office.

While going out of hakage office Naruto asked Sakura,"hey Sakura",
"What Naruto",Sakura asked him.

"Can you stay at my house today,of you are comfortable and also sarada",Naruto asked her.

After thinking for sometime she said,"ok we will come in some time",
"Thanks Sakura",he said.

"And then can tell both boruto and sarada about all this mess", Naruto said again.

"Yeah",Sakura said sadly.

They go to their houses and then they all gethered at uzumaki house as well as Minato and Kushina.(they are alive in this series ,they both survived kurama attack on Naruto's birth and Boruto and sarada are already in relationship)

Then they said them whole thing.

Boruto and sarada are shocked and they are just trying to believe that all this is just dream then boruto asked his dad,"dad what about himawari?",
"Himawari choose to stay with your mom and you are staying with me",Naruto told boruto.

Now silence is occurred in whole house.
"I think we should now take leave",Minato said while looking at Kushina.

Naruto nodded and they both hugged Naruto and Kushina hugged Sakura to comfort both of them and then they both leave the house.

Boruto and sarada went to boruto's room.

Now Sakura and Naruto are only left in living room.

"So whats now?"Naruto asked to Sakura.
"I don't know",Sakura said while looking down.

Then she start to crying.

Naruto hugged her and she is crying in his chest.

He try to calm her down.

"Hey Sakura can you stay here for tonight?",Naruto asked while hugging her tight.

Sakura feels something in her heart and she hugged him in return and then she turn up her face and see care and love for her in Naruto's eyes and then they both kissed.

After pulling away, they both start blushing.

"Is there any meaning of this",Naruto said while looking away.

"I don't know,i just feel something in my heart and and then this happened",Sakura said looking down.
"I feel the same way", Naruto said while looking at Sakura.

They both came close again and kissed eachother passionately.

Then while hugging each other Naruto said,"so are we now in relationship",
"I think so",Sakura said while kissing him again.

"Thankyou Sakura for here to stay with with me",Naruto said while hugging her more tightly.

"Me also Naruto,thank you for staying at my side all the time I needed most",Sakura said.

Then they both kissed each other.
After that they came in relationship and boruto and sarada also accepted their relationship.

And then four of them are now staying together.


Sarada thinks "but why Uncle Naruto leaves us and why Boruto leaves me and village?why?",while staring at window of room.
"Boruto i miss you, where are you?","please comeback",sarada said while looking at window.

To be continued...

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