chapter 12

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It's three further months passed since they all begun their training.

Sasuke trained sarada with how to use rairegaan and mangakyo sharingan as well.

Boruto also improved in using his karma and Rasengan and now he is able to do sage mood also.

Sasuke and Naruto also improved.
In the evening,"now that's enough for the day", yin yelled as to stop the training.

All of them stopped their training and gathered in one place and sit next to each other.

Sarada sit and boruto sit next to her.

Boruto noticed heavy breathing of sarada and ,"are you okay sarada", he said while placing his hand on her hand.

Sarada noticed and see worried look of boruto and said,"don't worry boruto , i am totally fine", she said while catching her breath.

Boruto feel worried for her because this training is exhausted her so much and yin also noticed the tension on face of boruto and uneasiness in sarada and he feel that they needed a break.

"So i think that we should do something fun for to night ,if you guys agreed",yin asked them all.

"Yeah! I also think that as we seriously need a break", Naruto said while looking at all the exhausted faces of all.

"Don't you think , you become too old for doing this training ", sasuke teased Naruto.

"Hey! I am not that much old you know ", Naruto said to him.

"Yeah!Yeah!", Sasuke nodded.

" So what is your plan sensei", Boruto asked yin.

" Actually I don't have any plan yet but i will figure out something ", yin said to him smiling.

" Hey dad", sarada said.
" Yeah" , both Naruto and sasuke said in unison.

Sasuke glared at Naruto as why he responded when she said dad.

Sarada noticed it and told everything to sasuke and he feel so guilty of it that his daughter is so lonely all this time and when she needed him most ,he was not there.

But he is happy also that someone he can trust is always there for her.

" So from now on ,i will call Naruto 'dad' and 'papa' to sasuke","is that clear to both of you", sarada asked them giving glare.

They both nodded.

" Don't worry sasuke , i think it's good for her to call my father her dad because afterall , when i marry her , she  don't face any problem for it", boruto teased sasuke.

" Is that so", " and who said that i give you permission to marry her anyway", sasuke said when black ora surrounding him.

Boruto knows as what is going to happen next so he run away and sasuke chased after him and then they all laughed at them.

" So sarada , you decided what are you calling them but what about me ", Boruto asked sarada when they are eating dinner at house.

" I think i should call you baka Boruto ", sarada teased him.

All others laughed.

" That's my daughter ", sasuke said.
" Hey ! That's not fair", boruto yelled.

" Hey don't worry , i will call you darling ", sarada whispered in boruto's ear and he blushed very hard and just remain silent and other asked them what happened but none of them answered their question.

Then they ate dinner and left the table and sarada and boruto go their room.

Sasuke and Naruto are sitting on couch in living room and yin went to his room.

" So what happened with you and Sakura?", Sasuke asked him as he wanted to know what actually happened between them.

" you everything so i don't think I have something more to tell you", Naruto give answer in sad tone.

" So you hate her now", sasuke said while looking straight.

" No", Naruto said without thinking.
" So you don't hate her after what she done to you", sasuke asked  when turning face towards him.

" No i don't think i hate her because i never Hate her and i don't think i can never Hate her in future also", Naruto said while looking down.

" When she expressed her feelings for you ,i felt so heart broken but i promised her that i will bring back her sasuke but at the same time i feel like I lost my love forever", Naruto continued.

" So you never told your feelings to her when I was gone?", Sasuke asked him
" No, i never told her because i know that she don't love me and that is the thing that i never able to tell her and i also don't want to betray you by showing my feelings to her" , Naruto answered him.

" I appreciate your concern but i think that you should have told her about your feelings earlier then may be you get your answer", sasuke told him.

" I know but i can't, everyone knows my feelings towards her except her and i want that she accept me with full of her heart not just because i love her and she is not able to return that love to me", Naruto said.

" When i found out her feelings towards you i thought that my whole life was crashed and now i am not able to gain her love for me anymore and i quit and never told her my feelings ", Naruto said while tears forming in his eyes.

" You know sasuke, that time i am jealous of you because i didn't know that what she see in you and.." , Naruto stopped.

" And what", sasuke asked him.

" I just can't express that how i feel when i see her alone and i just wanted to hug her and wanted to said to her that i am here for her and i will give her all the happiness but i also know that it is not possible", Naruto said while crying.

"But after what she did now , i don't feel any hatred towards her but i am happy because she found someone who can make her happy ", Naruto said while wipping his tears and giving sasuke reassuring smile.

Sasuke remained silent for sometime and he feel so pity towards Naruto and also sorry because all that years when he left the village, Naruto suffered the most because of it.

Then they went to their rooms.

Sasuke is so angry with Sakura after what she did to Naruto and he never forgive her after what she did.

Now he wants to scold her face to face.

He realised that Naruto is a very special person he has in his life and also blamed himself for current condition of Naruto.

Next day:

" So from now on we will train in teams ", yin saidto them.

" Then who will become whose partner", Sasuke asked him.

"Naruto and Sarada will be in one team and boruto and sasuke will be in one team", yin told them.

" But why me and boruto ", sasuke asked yin frustrated.

" Because i team up you according to your abilities and as far as I know you are also sensei of boruto so you know him much better and sarada has worked under Naruto for sometime so they are also good for eachother", yin said.

Both Naruto and Sarada nodded in agreement.

Boruto also nodded.
Sasuke nodded in defeat and then they all started their training together.

To be continued.....
Sorry if chapter is short but i hope that you are enjoying the story.
Now we will meet in next chapter.
Please comment if you want to tell something or wants to give some suggestions.
This first time I write something so please forgive me if i lack something.
Thank you...

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