chapter 10

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Both boruto and sarada had left the village and in the forest they stopped.
"Why we stop here",sarada asked as she is looking around.

"Don't worry, just hold me tight",boruto said reassuring.

"Okay",she said but not surred of what is going to happen.

Then boruto do some hand Sign and they both vanished in smoke.

Sarada suddenly felt that they are now not in forest anymore, they are at some other place which is unknown to her as she never see a place like it never.

Lake is visible to her and on one bank of it is a house not so big but not so small too but it is adorable because of view and the grass near the house and garden full of flowers.

She feels like she is not on earth anymore."where are we boruto", sarada asked him amazed.

"This is my new home ",he whispered in her ear.
"Really!",she said excitedly.

"Yeah","it is place I live with my sensei and...", Boruto stopped as he want to give her surprise.

"And who else?",sarada asked her surprisingly as he stopped.

"Just see yourself ", boruto said with smile.
Then they both start walking towards the house ,when they outside the house boruto see that his sensei is there at the door waiting for him.

"Hey sensei",boruto said waving his hand at his sensei.

Sarada see that mysterious man who is sensei of boruto and she just want to know who exactly he is.

"So you came back",yin said while looking at boruto then he shift his eyes at the sarada."welcome sarada",he said.

"Hello",sarada said in low voice.

"So come in ,you guys are tired of your journey, come in to living room.",yin said he addressed them both to living room.

Then voice came,"boruto wash your hands before launch", sarada was shocked as she recognised the voice."is's impossible..but this voice is",she thought and look to boruto.

"Boruto is that.. this voice",she asked him shocked.

Boruto remain silent then a person of almost 33 years old came with blonde hairs and sarada was shocked to see"lord seventh",she said.

Naruto was also shocked to see sarada.
He stood there shocked as he didn't expect to see sarada there.

Sarada came close to Naruto and touch his arm.

"Are you here for real?",she said as she touched his arm.

"Yeah i am", Naruto said then hugged sarada and take her in his embrace.

Sarada is in shock then she feels tears dropping on her shoulder and she pulled enough just to see that Naruto is crying.

"Lo-..Uncle Naruto","i missed you","i missed you so much", sarada said while hugging him back.
She is also crying.

When Naruto noticed. Her tears then he pulled her away and wipped her tears and said,"i also missed my little princess so much","i am happy to see you",as he smile at her.

"I also missed my father",sarada said while wipping his tears.

Naruto was shocked as he doesn't understand what she is saying.

"What did you say?",Naruto asked her.
"I said that i missed my father",sarada said while higg6him again.

"So you mean..",Naruto said but can't complete.

"Yeah","it's you i always see a father in you and you are always there for me whenever i need a father , i always wish to be you my father","and when you leave us , i feel like a lost my father forever",she said while tightened her hug and crying.

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