Chapter 14

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Now evening is start to fall and all friends of boruto are leaving after spending time with their beloved lord hokage and best friends sarada and boruto.

"Okay bye guys", boruto waved his hand on his friends while they leaving.

"Bye boruto","bye sarada", they all said.

"Hey Sarada , if you find some free time then feel free to came to us in leaf village", Cho Cho said to her friend.

"Yeah! I will",sarada reassured her friend.

"Hey boruto! Same goes for you too", shikadai said to him.

"Yeah", boruto nodded.

"So now time to go",iwabe yelled from behind.

"Yeah! yeah! Can't you speak gently", Cho Cho scolded iwabe.

"I know but more the time we stay here it becomes more difficult to leave",iwabe yelled awkwardly crying.

"I know but more the time we stay here it becomes more difficult to leave",iwabe yelled awkwardly crying

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"Now just stop this", shikadai scolded iwabe.

"Hey iwabe ,i know how you feel and you all guys are always welcomed here whenever you want", boruto reassured iwabe.

"Thanks boruto",iwabe said.

"Take care of you boruto-kun",sumire said to him.

Sarada narrowed her eyes on sumire
"Don't worry about that i will take care of him".

"Yeah i know ,i am just saying to him",sumire swept drop while saying.

"Sarada please calm down she is just saying", boruto trying to her calm down.

"Yeah! Yeah! Whatever", sarada said while making face.😤😤😤

"You look so cute when you are jealous", boruto teased her and kissed her on forehead.😘😘😘

She blushed and all others laughed.

But sumire feel jealous of sarada.

(Girls are just girls...we can't understand them😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨)

" So are you guys are now ready?", Yin came and asked them.

They all nodded and then leave for leaf village.

Now they all arrived at the gates of konoha and seperated and go to their own ways.

Yin go to meet Sakura.

"So tell me what I do",yin asked Naruto.

"I don't know what to do", Naruto said confused.

"Naruto you need to do something as now it is too much now and i want you to end this now",yin scolded (lightly) Naruto.

"Okay then i will talk to her", Naruto said with determined look.

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