Chapter 13

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Now it is some time passed since they started their training in teams and and they are getting better at team work as the time passed.

In afternoon:
They are all training and now stopped for some short break.
They all look exhausted and now sitting on ground.

"I think we should stop training for today", yin said.

"What why"," it's not even Evening", Naruto said.

"I know but i think we should take a break for another half day and spend it with some fun.", Yin said.

"Hey Sarada, boruto what you think", yin asked both of them.

"Yeah i think you are right ", boruto agreed with him.

"So i have some shopping to do as i need to buy some groceries for house and if you want , you two can join me", yin said to boruto and sarada.

"Yeah","it will be fun",sarada said looking at boruto.

"So let's get fresh before then we go to shopping in near village",yin said while standing.

Boruto and sarada nodded and also standup to leave.

Sasuke will take around for some time and Naruto has some house work so they will be busy with that.

Then they all spent day as per schedule they decided.

Next morning:

(In leaf village)

Everything is normal.

Then suddenly someone show in the air floating and coming in village.

Then in different areas of village,the blasts are visible and hearable.

All the shinobi of village gathered in front of the enemy.

They all attacked the enemy but unable to fight them anymore.

"So that's all you have", guy in mask said .

"We are just started Madara", Minato said to him while taking attacking postion.

"Then show me", Madara said.

Then Minato attacked madara but unable to defeat him and madara kicked in chest of Minato and Minato was thrown away.

Then Kushina fight him but like Minato she was also defeated.

Then Kakashi attacked on him and give him some good battle but his chakra is not that much powerful as Madara so he got defeated too.

Sakura and sunade also fight him but not able to win against him and in while pein is destroying village and other shinobi are trying to save the people of village.

After some time of battle, they all are now lying on ground as some are exhausted and some are totally defeated.

"So is that all what you have got", madara teased them.

"I think that maybe i will get some good battle but i hope so high and now see , all the greatest shinobi of leaf are lying on ground waiting for their death"," so pitiful", Madara said to them.

" We are not done... Madara", Minato said while trying to stand up.

"So you have some power left then i should end this here", Madara said while going towards Minato.

Madara kicked Minato in stomach and throw him away.

Sakura is watching all this while lying on ground but unable to standup and thinking about Naruto as how much she need him right now.

"I think without that blonde brat you are not able to stand against me so now i should end this by killing you all", Madara said.

Then pein joined him amd madara said him to do final attack on village to destroy everything Sakura closed her eyes and "sorry Naruto i am not able to save your beloved village and also you"thought came to her mind.

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