Chapter 4

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At the gates of konoha:
"Sorry sensei i am late", boruto said while landing on one side of yin.

"Now we should go",yin said to him.

Boruto nodded but when they are starting to run out of village Minato came infront of them.

"Stop",Minato said to both of them.
"What you want?",yin asked to Minato.
"I am here to talk with boruto",Minato said while looking at Boruto.

"What you want lord hokage from me?", boruto said in cold voice.

"What is wrong with you boruto,why don't you come back to village",Minato asked him with concerned look.

"That's something i think you know already ", boruto said calmly in cold voice.

"Then just forgive us and please come back to village",Minato said with worried look.

"We already lost Naruto,now we don't want to loose you","you are my grandson","just come back",
"We all missed you",Minato said some little tears in his eyes.

"Your grandson is died one year ago, when my dad left village and  i am just boruto and i am not uzumaki"
"But now That's nothing matters to me",boruto said in cold voice.

Boruto has no effects of minato's words then he said to his sensei ,"sensei i think we should leave now",
Yin nodded.

"What about sarada?",Minato asked gently.

"Don't worry about that",boruto said while looking directly in Minato's eyes.
"Now we should go",yin said.

"I will not allow you to go anywhere and now you are coming with me..boruto",
Minato said while coming coming close to boruto then yin came in between them and stopped Minato.

When yin came between them Minato throw kunai at yin but yin dodged it easily and disappeared from his place and came in back of boruto and they both vanished in air.

Unknown place:

"So you came back",Naruto said to boruto.

"Yeah dad", boruto said with tyried look.
"I have made a Food for you two ,take shower and come to eat ",Naruto said to both of them.

Both of them nodded and boruto went o his room.

But yin stay with Naruto to explain everything.

"So how did it go?",Naruto asked yin with worried look as he knows it is difficult for boruto to go there.

"It's good ya know","boruto defeated pein and he is able to save the village and...",

yin stopped talking as he is now thinking about what happened between boruto and Minato recently

."what is it yin",Naruto asked him breaking silence.

Then yin explained everything to Naruto.

After hearing this Naruto said ,"oh..poor Boruto, i don't know how you handle this ".

"I know this is difficult for him but it's his decision so we can't interfere",yin said while looking at boruto' room.

"Yeah i know",Naruto said with sadness.
"He become like this after what happened to me before one year",
"Don't worry Naruto , it's not your fault at all",yin said reassuring him.

"After knowing everything,he also feel betrayed just like you that's why he is like this",yin said to him.

"But some good changes also came in him",yin said in lighten voice.

"Hnnn..",Naruto looked at yin in confusion who is smiling.

"Good changes! What good changes?",Naruto asked confusing.

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