Chapter 9

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At the gates of suna , all leaf shinobi met with shinki and his gang and after some funny conversation they said their goodbye to eachother

Boruto: okay, see you guys next time.
Shinki: all right, have a safe journey.

Then all leaf shinobi waved at all suna shinobi then they jumped out from suna village.

They passed the desert upto midday and then they arrived in forest and decided to make camp for n tonight there as evening starts Falling.

Boruto: i will catch some fish for dinner and you guys make camp.

Shikadai: i will find some woods for fire.
Sarada: okay.lets go chocho.

As they all start their own work.with the night fall they all are now sitting surrounding the fire and sarada is sitting next to boruto.

Sarada: hey boruto!.
Boruto: hmmm.

Sarada: when our mission will be completed then are you going to stay in village or going somewhere else?

Boruto is remain silent for some time and then he signed and answer her question.

Boruto: look sarada, i can't live in that village any more and now you know the reason very well but this doesn't mean that i don't love you or not care about you but i just can't live there.

Sarada: so that means you are going to leave me again.

Boruto: No! Not at all.
As he said that she start tear up but holding it.
Sarada: you are lier , you always lie to me.
As she said that she stands up and run into forest.

Boruto: sarada!sarada!.

As boruto yelling as he watched sarada is slowly vanishing in darkness of forest.

Boruto: i am going after her so you guys stay here and i will come soon with her.
Both shikadai and Cho cho nodded.

Chocho: take care of her.
Boruto nodded and start chasing after sarada.

When he came inside forest then he start searching for her and then find her sobbing while sitting under a tree.

He slowly approached her and then hugged her gently.

Boruto: sorry princess, i make feel you alone again.

Sarada said nothing and sobbing more in his chest.

He take her face upward and then placed a soft kiss on her lips.
She smiled a bit and then he hugged her tightly.

Boruto: i will never make you feel alone again and i never going to abandoned you again.

Sarada smile .
Sarada: really! Are you lie again?
Sarada :then how are you going to do this.

Boruto:well! It's depends on you.

Sarada look him confused.

Boruto: i planned that if you agreed then i want you to come with me at my place where I live and train with me and make yourself stronger with the teaching of sensei and live with me as long as you wish.

Sarada said nothing and just staring at boruto and then she said.

Sarada:  i want to buy i need permission of my parents.

Boruto: well!if you speak of sasuke, he already gave me permission to take you with me.

Boruto said while smiling and waving his hand on his head's back.

Boruto: but if you ask of Sakura then you have to do it on your own.

Sarada nodded and then they stay like this for some time and then they they left for camp site.

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