chapter 11

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Next morning:

They all meet at the training ground
"First of all i want to know your level sarada", yin said pointing to Sarada.

"How can you do that", Sarada asked him.
"You and boruto are going for battle against eachother in which you have to fight with your full strength as with killing intent then i will be able to observe the level of sarada and her limits", yin said to her.

"But don't you know already", Naruto asked him.

"Yes i know before but after that she starts taking training from Kakashi and now i wants to check now how much she has improved from that training.",yin said with smile.

Sarada nodded and take fighting position as well as boruto.

Now fight has started , sarada is first to attack with sharingan activated and shuriken in her hand , she throws a shuriken on him but he dodged easily and then fireball jutsu but he is able to dodge it also then boruto attacked her ,he made three shadow clones and do Rasengan and each clone has their own Rasengan and they three attacked on sarada from different directions and now it is difficult for her to dodge all attacks at once.

She throws two kunais at two boruto and they become smoke and then she realised that third one is real but when she throw kunai ,it also become smoke and vanished

But before she understands anything,a kunai is placed on her neck from behind her.

"Sorry princess", boruto said while placing kunai on her neck.

"Now it is over",yin declared battle over.
Sarada is shocked at how did she not noticed boruto behind her.

"Don't worry sarada, you will learn everything and what mistakes you made during your battle, and from now on your training is started", yin reassured her.
She nodded but she just wanted to know that how boruto is able to do that in end,"sensei!", "What is it sarada",yin asked her.

"Please tell me how boruto did that", sarada asked him worried because she felt like she is no match for him.

Yin know how she feels and reassured her," look sarada,i know how you feel now ,you think you are no match for him at his current level actually if i say honestly,you are right but it doesn't mean you can never catchup with him".

"You know sarada,he did training that hard that no one can even think of doing, you know why?,",yin asked her.

Sarada asked confused,"why?"

"Because he wants to protect you and he don't want any miner mistake in his training so he did it , he trained very hard ,just because he cares about you and he love you from very bottom from his heart",yin said to her.

"You know ,he is not so behind Naruto but i think if continued his training like this ,may be he surpassed Naruto and sasuke one day and i am sure of it",yin said with smile.

"So now you need to train very hard to catch with him",yin said her.
Sarada nodded.

"But sensei why you not take me as your student when pein attacked the village?", sarada asked while walking with him towards house.

"Well",yin said while scratching his cheek with his finger.

"Because we agreed to take you with us here but when you told boruto about shikadai and your relationship then he decided to not take you with us and train you under Kakashi, that's why ",yin said with awkward smile.

"Oh is that so","it is totally my mistake then ,how foolish i am ", sarada yelled in frustration.

"Don't worry sarada, that's the past ,now  you should focus on your future and prepare yourself for this training",yin calmed her.
She nodded and they walked in their house.

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