8. His side of life

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' Beep!'

' Beep! '

' Beep! '

" Grrahhh...." I groaned loudly as I reached my arm towards where the alarm should be. I missed a couple of times but eventually I found it and gave it a good smack to shut it up.

I went back to sleeping.


I slowly opened my eyes, blinking slowly a couple times before I turned to my other side where the alarm is. I checked the time.

8:00 AM

I must've been tired from working at Starry's last night. But even if it did tire me out, I enjoyed the experience of working there and seeing all the bands that were listed to play that night. Though, the real pleasure lied in working together with Gotou-san and her friends.

They're an interesting group, and I can tell they deeply care for her and vice-versa.

Even if today is a Saturday....I shouldn't waste my time lying around.

I slowly sat up on the side of the bed, stretching my arms first.

I stood up and began straightening my back, hearing a few pops from the stretching.

" That hit the spot..." Who doesn't love the feeling of hearing that ' pop' after stretching.

I hear a knock on my door before it slightly opened. A familiar head poked through and upon seeing me, his face relaxed before opening the door fully.

" Looks like you're finally awake." He says.

Well if isn't my little brother who's 3 years younger than me, Seiji. He was a few centimeters shorter than me, we both had emerald eyes inherited from our mother and we both had brown hair....inherited from dad.

There were many instances where people mistook us for the other, and they'd always be caught suprised by how different both our personalities are despite our similarities in looks.

" Morning, Sei." I greeted, my voice raspy. I should drink water immediately.

" We're out of groceries." He informs, " Are you free to come with me?" He asks, a hopeful glint in his eyes.

I smiled like always. My brother likes to act indifferent towards me when other people are around to not seem ' uncool' as he puts it.

But in reality, he'd always search for activities that we could do. We were stuck like glue to each other whenever we were both free.

" Sure, just let me get ready." I said.

" 'Kay." He gives me a nod before closing the door, giving me space.

After a few minutes of more stretching and adjusting my eyes to the morning reality, I exit my room and treaded through the bathroom.


After taking a shower, I looked at myself in the mirror and groaned at a new pimple that has formed on my forehead.

" Nice to see you again, Mr. Pimple." I chuckled sardonically.

Well, I suppose acne just comes like that for boys my age. I'm lucky enough that I  usually have a clear skin face instead of it being constantly littered by countless pimples, zits, and whatnot.

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