" Gotou-san, I love you."
I feel his arms wrapping themselves around me as he pulls me closer to his chest. He presses my head to it, so I could hear his heartbeat.
" Do you hear it?" he whispers to my ear. I feel my face heat up from the airiness of his voice.
" It beats for you and only you." He murmurs.
" A-Akihiko-kun..." I didn't know what to say. No, wasn't this what I've been waiting for all this time? He says he loves me. I should say it back, let him know that his feelings are reciprocated.
But the words are caught in my throat.
" You don't have to say you love me." He suddenly says.
But why wouldn't you want me to?
" You know," His tone was shakey, but the following words were filled with his honest feelings. " I didn't think I'd fall in love. Much less, with you."
" Yet somehow, I did."
" ' How did I fall in love with you? ' That's the question that rang through my head, the question that beat me senseless ever since I realized how I've fallen for you."
" Maybe it was the way you speak, or the way you look at me with those beautiful blue eyes, or maybe it's when you smile....or..."
I feel his arms weaken.
" Maybe...it's all of that." He released a chuckle.
" And then the next question came," He pulls away from me and our eyes met. " ' Would I ever be good enough for you?' now that's the question that's been poisoning me."
You are good enough-- no, even more than that. So why would you think otherwise?
" I couldn't say these words to you because I was scared...that I'd mess up. I don't always doubt myself when it comes to everything else, but with you, I can't help but panic every single time I'm this close to spilling my feelings out."
" But I realized, that it doesn't matter. I shouldn't be afraid to admit it. I shouldn't be afraid to tell you the one thing I want you to know."

Bocchi the Love Story!
FanfictionUnexpectedly created this during my free time, and also the fact that I'm in love with the series! Just wanted to publish this, very unsure if I wanna continue it later down the line but here we go... Synopsis: Our household favorite introvert rock...