34. The three red flags are Bassist, Bassist, and.....THAT'S RIGHT! BASSIST!

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" Kenji-kun says they'll be arriving here soon." Nijika says, looking up from her phone and towards her friends. " So are you guys fine with waiting around here?"

" No problem." Ryou said as she lazily sunk into the bench under the shade.

" I don't mind. It's better if we stay here and wait for them." Kita also agrees.

Meanwhile, Bocchi couldn't help but stare at Nijika blankly.

Nijika tilts her head at her. " Bocchi-chan, is something wrong?"

" O-Oh! Uhm...uh..." Bocchi, after having been caught, quickly turned her head to the west and avoiding Nijika's gaze. " N-N-Nothing!" 

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" No, it sounds like there's definitely something." Nijika raises a brow. " Like you have a question or something...."

" Question? Nah, no, of course not! Why would I--"

" It's okay to ask me, Bocchi-chan. I'm sure it's not anything harmful, right?" Nijika tilts Bocchi's to face her before giving her a warm smile. " I don't mind entertaining, since the others haven't arrived yet."


" W...Well, it's just...." Bocchi takes her time, still a bit hesitant. I mean, what she's going to ask is probably not her business but she can't help but be curious since it was just....so unusual! 

Nijika waits patiently. She knows how Bocchi is. Everyone knows how Bocchi is. There are times to push her and times where she can take her own pace, and right now it's better to let the latter happen.

" Since when did you start....referring to Sakurai-kun by his first name?" Bocchi finally asked.

Nijika's breath hitches for a moment, caught off guard by the question, but quickly returned her cool so as not to gain Kita's attention. Luckily the red head seemed to be talking to Ryou at the moment, the perfect distraction.

" Well, we're friends!" She smoothly answers. " We've gotten close since we met and I felt that it was natural that we start calling each other by our first names." She said.

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