13. Asachin! ( 2 )

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" Hey, hold on a minute. Shouldn't you be at your own school right now? " Akihiko asked.

" Eh. Who cares?" Sakurai-kun shrugs.

" But won't the teachers call your parents if they figure out you're skipping...?" I asked.

He laughs heartily. " Little lady, there's no need to worry~" he winks and gives a thumbs up. " I can just pay them."

" Somehow,  I can imagine Ryou-san acting like this if she weren't so broke most of the time..." Kita-chan comments.

That's exactly what I was thinking too...

The bell rings, signifying that lunch break was over. Akihiko-kun heaves a sigh and gives his friend an apologetic look.

" Kenji, I think we'll have to continue our conversation later. I still have class..." he said.

" Whaaatt? You attend class now? What happened to the old you?" Sakurai-kun raises a brow. I notice Akihiko-kun flinch before smiling.

" The old him?" Kita-chan repeated, looking curious as to what he meant.

" Yeah! You see, this guy over here." He points to Akihiko. " Asachin always used to skip class to sharpen his skills in soccer! He was smart enough to get by in class, but he was a troublemaker that was passionate for the sport he loves!"

Akihiko-kun skipping class...?

It sounds like a completely different person! The Akihiko-kun I currently know, was always right on time and paying attention to the teacher as soon as class starts. I've never seen him being lost in thought as he always took down notes, and I've never seen him fall asleep because he's just that energetic.

" I was immature." Akihiko chuckles nervously. " Skipping class is not a good idea, and cramming things at the very last moment took a toll."

I can relate to that wholeheartedly. We are kindred spirits, Akihiko-kun.

Sleepless nights just before the exam, cramming everything you should've known by now all at once into your poor little head. And praying to every god in the sky that you'll get passing marks in all of the subjects, I was often practicing guitar and procrastinating on my studies....so......that hit home.

" Still though! Everytime I saw you on the field, I couldn't help but skip class myself just so I could practice with my best buddy!" He says.

" Forgive me, I was a bad influence. I'll prostrate myself before your parents...." Akihiko said with a gloomy look.

H....He's completely serious about that, isn't he...

I recall yesterday, when he sincerely apologized to my dad for almost hitting Futari with his bike. I could totally picture him kneeling on the ground and begging for forgiveness from Sakurai-kun's parents....

" Relax! My parents love you, after all.....if it weren't for you I'd...." Sakurai's smile drops, a soft expression was left on his face. " I'd probably would've stayed friendless..."

I silently gasped. So before Akihiko-kun, he was alone too? Friendless like me? I thought Sakurai-kun was an extrovert type....but it seems like despite his appearance, he sad also just another introvert adopted by Akihiko-kun...

I hear some sobbing noises beside me, and I turn to Kita-chan, who was indeed responsible for the sobbing and sniffling of tears.

" D-Don't mind me..." She says, taking out her handkerchief and wiping her tears away.

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