36. " Is Gotou-san okay?"..." Oh yeah, she's totally fine. I think."

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I'll be taking a week off from school starting Monday. Thanks to you, I want to return to Oreha as soon as possible and help Sakurai with his training. I should be back by the end of the week or so, and maybe I can also send you pictures of Oreha's luxuries? Anyway, I'll see you the week after the next, Gotou-san!


I'm worried about Hitori-chan. Why you may ask? Well.....

Something is clearly down with her. Earlier this morning, when I waved as a greeting to her when we miraculously crossed paths as we made our way to our respective classrooms, she walked by me, not returning the greeting-- err, well it didn't even seem like she noticed my existence! But hey! Maybe that's just normal Hitori-chan being lost in her own thoughts again, right?


Her eyes looked deader than usual, and her posture was terrible. She looked like the pink haired version of the hunchback of Notredame with that back of hers! Throughout the morning classes, I couldn't help but worry about her. The thoughts just won't leave me alone and I knew that as soon as morning classes were over that I'd go and have lunch with her so she could tell me what's wrong.

But that brings us to the present, where I did stop by her class, and am currently staring at a very pitiable sight.

Hitori-chan was fully slouching on her desk, hiding away her face from the world. The aura of sadness radiated off of her and it garnered a few concerned looks from the classmates in her vicinity. I glanced around, searching for another certain someone and quickly found who I was looking for, Mayafumi-san. Who was also clearly worried for her, shooting the biggest act of concern of all by approaching her and tapping her table.

" Gotou-san? It's lunch time." I could hear her say.

" Mghm...." A demotivated groan was Hitori-chan's response.

I frowned. This definitely wasn't right, it's clear to me that something is indeed bothering her to the point where she couldn't even utter a usual socially anxious response to another human being like she always does. 

I, Kita Ikuyo, shall get to the bottom of this!

Steeling myself for the task before me, I marched in the classroom with the most motivating of all motivations! As I approached her, Mayafumi-san also took notice of me and a look of relief washed over her expression.

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