Bocchi never thought she would wake up the next day.
No, seriously. She pretty much considered suffocating herself with her pillow after she failed to remove the message she sent to Akihiko.
But now....
" Ehehehe~..."
She finds herself giggling as she twiddled her feet in the air in complete bliss. For once, the thought of feeling like a complete weirdo, didn't cross her mind. All she cared about was the response Akihiko left her to see in the morning.
" ' I miss you too, Gotou-san! ' " She parrots his dreamy voice with a stupid smile on her face. " Oh.... if an asteroid were to strike me right now, i wouldn't care one bit!"
As soon as she said that, the house suddenly begun shaking--
" H-huh?! What's going on!" She panics, feeling herself wobble along with the bed.
" No! No, wait! I didn't mean that LITERALLY! " She shrieks as tears were ready to stream down her face the more intense the shaking got. " I-is there an actual asteroid that's going to strike?! Is the end of the world actually happening? Oh god, oh god ,oh god, I TAKE IT BACK. PLEASE I TAKE IT BACK AHHHHHHH---"
It took her a while to realize that the shaking had already stopped. But before any of that could actually process, an adult figure bursts into the room.
" Hitori-chan, are you okay?" In the midst of a catastrophic demise, the soothing sound of her mother's voice grabbed her attention, and with a tearful face she ran towards her and sunk into her embrace.
" E-Eh? Hey, dear, it's alright..." Michiyo, although confused, instinctively began comforting her eldest daughter. She pats her back calmingly, while Bocchi whines into her chest. " We're going to die, mom!"
Die? Michiyo raised a brow.
" And it's going to be my fault! An asteroid's is about to hit us, I jinxed it, mama!"
It wasn't an asteroid though... Michiyo was about to speak but Bocchi continues to interrupt her.
" I'm going to die! My friends are going to die!"
" Hitori--"
" Futari's going to die! You're going to die! Dad's going to die!"
" Nobody's going to-- you're mistaking it--"
" Jimihen's going to die! "
" Hitori-chan, please--"

Bocchi the Love Story!
FanfictionUnexpectedly created this during my free time, and also the fact that I'm in love with the series! Just wanted to publish this, very unsure if I wanna continue it later down the line but here we go... Synopsis: Our household favorite introvert rock...