25. Costume Hunt! ( 2 )

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I'm sorry for the late update! Seriously, I'm pissed at myself for it lowkey.

I've been working on this chapter for the past few days but...I JUST CAN'T SEEM TO GET THE WORDS FLOWING!

It's honestly giving me a headache at this point. This is the first chapter that's STUMPED me completely....I feel so disappointed.

Introducing Hiroi was....probably a mistake on my part. At least, introducing her in the last chapter was a major miss on the mark...

Idk how to...incorporate her properly, and you'll see that from the dialogue I've written. It's unintentionally stiff, but no matter what I do-- I can't seem to NOT make it look forced.

But I can't just delete her, right? And I can't just rework the last chapter and make an entire different way of how things go. Because frankly, I liked the last chapter and I liked the way I introduced Hiroi.

But not here, incorporating her in this part of the story is just a headache. Plenty of rewrites-- lost count at 10.

I know what I want to get DONE in this chapter, and I've written a portion of the halloween event chapter too. But I just....can't seem to get the ' it' I was talking about in my last end notes from last chapter.

AAAAA- I really wanted this chapter to be a fun girls hangout....shopping for costumes, or some other random shenanigans ( like Hiroi being a public drunk nuisance in the mall ) before we dive straight back into the main plot. But I'm left unsatisfied with all I've written and all my attempts to make it work. Despite that,I still don't want to skip this chapter since it's necessary.

So....I thought about just keeping this chapter very short. Major cuts, y'know?

It's not my style tho. I don't like writing an incomplete chapter without all I've planned being present in it. But I need to get this done. I enjoy making the story and I'm grateful to you guys who decided to give this one a shot!

So fair warning; This chapter will be cut SHORT. 

If you're okay with that, then thanks. Trust me, I'll make up for it in the next chappie!

Author's rant aside.....hopefully you can enjoy this incomplete bullshi--

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