35. I guess that confession is being pushed back to chapter 50 after all...

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Yikes, the title...

" Ryuji, please forgive my friend."

I stood there, shell-shocked at the scene before me. Sakurai-kun had Akihiko-kun pinned down on the ground with his hands behind his back. Ryuji's smile from earlier, the one he showed when Akihiko-kun was about to punch him, quickly disappeared upon Sakurai's interference.

" Boo," Ryuji frowns before scoffing. " Just had to ruin the fun, huh, useless dog?" 

With that provocation, I feared for a moment that with Akihiko-kun pinned down, the taller boy could lunge himself at the blonde without restraint. But to everyone's suprise, he responded with a deep breath that clearly sounded strained.

" Why don't we save it for our championship game, yeah?" Sakurai-kun grins. " So let's not get ourselves too excited here." 

I could tell that it took a lot of self-control for him to say all of that, when I could sense the literal bloodlust leaking out of his crimson eyes. Ryuji was silent for a moment, maybe he was considering Sakurai's world seriously? Even so, he still wore a disappointed expression above all else.

" You're boring." Ryuji turns around. " I'll humble you again then. And this time for good."

" Maybe doing so could bring the real captain back." 

As he said that, he shot one more glance at the silent and detained Akihiko-kun before making his leave. Everyone released a breath they didn't know they were holding until Ryuji finally left the restaurant.

Sakurai helps Akihiko-kun up.

" Kenji..." A guilty look was plastered on his face, and remorse was clear in his eyes. But before Akihiko-kun could humbly apologize like he always would-- the restaurant owner confronted us.

" W-WE'RE SO SORRY!" We, the members of Kessoku band, apologized profusely for the disturbance....


When we left the restaurant, there was only an awkward silence. Sakurai-kun walked ahead, not saying a word while Akihiko-kun seemingly tried to trail behind the taller boy but kept his distance whilst also not saying a word.

In a group like ours, it was difficult for me to accept that it could ever be this quiet. So much that it's slowly killing me inside. Everything just died down so suddenly that it felt wrong, with Sakurai-kun's sense of chaos, and with Ryou and Seiji-kun's banter, and with my own constant embarrassing  display for the world to see-- and lastly, the combined efforts of Nijika-chan,Kita-chan and Akihiko-kun's  in balancing the potential disasters this group could easily cause.

Just a few hours ago, we were having so much fun.....

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