Unexpectedly created this during my free time, and also the fact that I'm in love with the series! Just wanted to publish this, very unsure if I wanna continue it later down the line but here we go...
Our household favorite introvert rock...
The image above is Bocchi's peak form. Truly the Rock.
" I'm back!" I made it back to where Mayafumi-san was.
" What happened?" She asked, sounding worried but mostly confused.
" T-There was something I needed to destroy at all cost......it's gone now so...." I shaked my hands dismissively.
" Oookaaay....?" She didn't look amused by my answer in the slightest. She simply began to move on to our main topic.
" The reason I wanted to talk to you was because.....I needed to make sure that you aren't going to tell anyone what you discovered on Saturday." She said, looking away and fiddling with her fingers.
" H-Huh? Really?" I mentally sighed in relief. So she really wasn't going to kill me....
Mom, Dad....your daughter is continuing to live!
" I wasn't going to speak a word of it to anyone..... It's your business and it was my fault for being there and finding out--"
" Hey! Don't start pushing the blame onto yourself that much. You're making me feel bad." She frowns, and crosses her arms.
" But....thanks." she gives me an appreciative smile. " You're a kind person, Gotou-san."
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( Bocchi's ego has been aroused! )
" Um, are you alright?" I hear her ask.
" Kind person...Kind person..." I repeated them outloud as I began swaying happily to myself.
" Right...." She drawls out before releasing a short hum.
" Well, that's all I wanted to talk to you about. I'll see you in class, Gotou-san!" She begins to strut pass me.
" W-Wait!" I suddenly halted her. It was unlike me, but I wanted to compliment her back...
" Hm?"
" Your cosplay....it was Sailor Moon, right? It looked very nice..." I wanted to say it to her but I was too frozen in suprise that time. And just when Kita-chan was approaching us, Mayafumi-san bolted.
She gawks.
" Y-You know Sailor Moon?!" In just a second, she popped back right in front of me with excited eyes.
H-Hold on a minute, is she about to start rambling?!
Oh no, what have I done--
" That anime represented what was basically my whole childhood!" She squeals delightedly. " The characters' designs were so cute and cool looking to the little me at the time. Maybe nostalgia carried it for me till' this day, but I still cheer along with the characters at glorious moments and cry at the sad ones!"